- Leonardo da Vinci』s art is easily recognizable. 達文西的藝術創作很容易辨認出來。
- The wedding cake is regarded as the epitome of the baker' s art. 婚禮蛋糕被認為是麵包師技藝的凝華所在。
- I always admired to study R. 's art, it was so fresh and unconventional. 我一向極愛研究拉斐爾的藝術,那種藝術倒真是獨闢蹊徑,不落陳套的。
- Abstract: That the piano part in Rachmaninoff,s art songs were significance to the whole structure. 內容提要: 拉赫瑪尼諾夫藝術歌曲中的鋼琴在其整體構成中有著非常特殊的意義。
- But there are many ideas of Non-Humanism in Michelangelo"s art, so Humanism is mingled with Non-Humanism in his art. 然而,米開朗基羅的藝術中也存在許多非人文主義的思想,人文主義與非人文主義在米開朗基羅的藝術中是交織並存的。
- And the last chapter is engaged in the characteristics of Paik』s art: participation, recycle and mixture. 之後在本文的末段我們將歸納這些作品的特色。
- To a certain extent, North Art Group established the basis of and was the springboard for Wang Guangyi』s art. 「北方藝術群體」在某種程度上也奠定了他以其生活環境作為創作的基礎和出發點。
- A Leica copy or better a Leica recreation using 1990 technology combined with the beautiful 1920』s Art Deco style. 1徠卡複製或越好徠卡休閑使用, 1990年技術加上美麗的1920年的裝飾派藝術風格。
- Lastly, the thesis expounds the forming reasons of Bunin』s art style in terms of Bunin』s life, experience and thinking origin. 最後,本文從蒲寧的生平、經歷及思想淵源諸角度分析、闡述了蒲寧藝術風格的形成原因。
- Lastly, the thesis expounds the forming reasons of Bunin"s art style in terms of Bunin"s life, experience and thinking origin. 最後,本文從蒲寧的生平、經歷及思想淵源諸角度分析、闡述了蒲寧藝術風格的形成原因。
- The Pope has no temporal power in modern society. 教皇在當代社會沒有世俗方面的權利。
- Art spirit proves that art is unity between poeticism and materialism.That is why neither the skilloriented nor instrumental children』s art education is genuine art education. 藝術精神表明藝術是詩性與物性的統一,因此技藝化和工具化的兒童藝術教育都不是真正意義上的藝術教育。
- The pope is known as the vicar of Christ. 教皇被稱做基督的代理者。
- Based on the visual scope of children』s art education, this paper preliminarily studies the distinctiveness and main approaches to generation of children』s aesthetic emotion. 本文立足於兒童藝術教育的視域對兒童審美情感的獨特性和主要發生方式進行了初步研究。
- The new Pope will give a speech tomorrow. 新教皇明天將發表演講。
- NG'S ART SCHOOL was opened in 1990.It offers selective courses in fine art.Course work includes oil painting, printmaking, drawing, gouache, water colour and children's painting. 吳氏藝院創辦於1990年,教授油畫、版畫、素描、水彩、水粉、兒童畫及美術基礎課程。
- The whole village turned out to welcome the pope. 全村的人都出來歡迎教皇。
- The Pope will visit Britain next year. 教皇明年將訪問英國。
- The whole city turned out to cheer the Pope. 全城居民傾巢而出歡迎教皇。
- The priest was appointed the legate by the pope. 這位牧師被教皇指定為他的高級使節。