- 下個月Pope先生要到紐約渡假。Mr Pope will fly to New York to spend his holiday next month.
- 據Pope世代分析法估算鰱鱅群體的補充量。The recruitment for silver carp and bighead carp stocks is assessed by Pope cohort analysis method.
- Nichol和Pope曾報導和記錄過河北北部及熱河地區可能有細鱗魚的分佈。Nichols and Pope had reported that it was possible to find out the species of B.lenok in the northern area of Hebei and Rehe.
- Paul阱Paul trap
- Paul-Bunnell反應heterophil agglutination reaction; Paul-Bunnell reaction
- 叫Paul Smith代替我出席。Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me.
- 實驗結果表明,不論是視覺效果還是質量統計分析,提出的擴散模型的性能優於Pope和Acton的各向異性擴散模型,是理想的多光譜圖像保邊緣濾波方法。Experimental results are given to show that the improved methods have superiority capability over the multispectral anisotropic diffusion schemes proposed by Pope and Acton on visual judgment and quality statistical analysis and they are very ideal edge-preserving filtering methods.
- Ahmad-Lazer-Paul條件Ahmad-Lazer-Palu type condition
- Paul阱中一維兩離子系統的能帶結構Energy band structure of two ions in a one-dimensional Paul trap
- Jean-Paul Beck,IT國際總監Jean-Paul Beck, International Director of Information Technology
- PaulBunnell test嗜異性凝集試驗
- 最近,Paul M. Gartside和E.Recently, Paul M. Gartside and E.
- Paul阱中共線兩離子量子力學問題Quantum mechanical problem for two ions in a Paul trap
- Paul阱的含時廣義SU(1,1)相干態Time - dependent and Generalized SU(1, 1 ) Coherent States of The Paul Trap
- 4個讀者 [IMG] 原作者: Paul KrugmanDeliverance or Diversion? ? By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: March 3, 2008
- Paul勢阱中兩帶電粒子的暫態混沌Transient Chaos of Two Charged Particles in a Paul Trap
- Paul Yip是IBM多倫多實驗室的一名顧問。Paul Yip is a consultant from the IBM Toronto Lab.
- 感謝Paul Joslin給我發來他的一行程序列表。Thanks to Paul Joslin for sending me his list of one-liners.
- Paul阱中射頻源倍頻作用下囚禁離子運動特性Characteristics of Traped Ion Considering the Double Frequency of Trap Field in Paul Trap
- Paul阱中~(199)Hg~+離子囚禁與射頻共振檢測Radiofrequency Resonance Detection of Trapped ~(199)Hg~+ in A Paul Trap