- But Mahathir 『Mudah Lupa』 forgot that it was his own quota system that he recently urged to be abolish. 但是,馬哈蒂爾似乎忘記了他最近迫切要求廢除的配額制度正是他自己曾提倡的。
- The celebration began at the Lupercal cave, where the wolf Lupa was said to have suckled the infant Romulus and Remus. 慶祝儀式在盧帕卡爾洞穴開始,據說那裡是盧帕狼哺育羅姆魯斯和拉姆斯這兩個嬰兒的地方。
- Users can set magnification ratio (between 0.1 and 16).To do it, just slide a scrollbar at the bottom of the Lupa main window. 用者只需移動本軟體的視窗底部的滾動棒即可切定放大的倍數(0.;1至16倍)。
- And thou hast removed my soul far off from peace: I forgat prosperity. Engkau menceraikan nyawaku dari kesejahteraan, aku lupa akan kebahagiaan. 我忘記了好處。
- Young nobles called Luperci, taking their name from the place of the wolf (lupa), ran from the Lupercal around the bounds of the Palatine in what is believed to have been a purification ritual. 因為母狼(lupa)所在的地方而被稱為Luperci的年輕貴族們,從Lupercal沿著Palatine的邊界飛奔,這被認為是一種凈化的儀式。
- Pheosiopsis lupanarian. 羅夙舟蛾
- Do you make page magnifier; lupa ; and loupe? You address and phone number pleas。 你們生產放大鏡嗎?請告訴我你們的中文地址。謝謝。
- Lupan. 盧帕河(在坦尚尼亞)
- Lupačová 盧帕喬娃
- Lupaş 盧帕什
- Lupaşcu 盧帕什庫
- Lupaşco 盧帕什科
- Lupaşiu 盧帕休
- Lupač 盧帕奇
- Pheosiopsis cinerea ussuriensisn. 喜夙舟娥烏蘇亞種
- Pheosiopsis cinerea canescensn. 喜夙舟蛾秦嶺亞種
- Pheosiopsis cinerea formosanan. 喜夙舟娥台灣亞種
- Pheosiopsisn. 夙舟蛾屬
- Pheosiopsis niveipictan. 雪花夙舟蛾
- Pheosiopsis birmidontan. 碧夙舟蛾