- The sea lion seems to enjoy showing off. 海獅似乎對展出很得意。
- House Manning - A red sea lion between two black pallets on white. 白色底紋上,兩條黑色的豎條之間有一頭紅色的海獅。
- We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows. 我們看了海豚、海牛、海獅和鯨的表演。
- The 185-pound Steller sea lion waddled ashore, shocking students and teachers. 於是這隻重185磅的北海獅一搖一擺地走上岸來,把學生與老師都嚇了一大跳。
- A sea lion was spotted this week along a rural roadside in central California. 在加利福尼亞中心一條運河旁的路邊上出現了一隻海獅。
- The 84kg Steller sea lion waddled ashore, shocking students and teachers. 這頭八十四公斤重的史代拉海獅搖搖擺擺地爬上岸,嚇壞了在場所有師生。
- The moon attracts the earth 's seas towards her. 月球吸引地球上的海洋。
- But that didn't stop a sea lion from joining schoolchildren on a walk-a-thon. 不過,這並不能阻止這頭海獅加入學童的行列,參加馬拉松競走。
- Sea turtles have plied Earth』s seas for more than 100 million years. 海龜已經在海洋里生存了1億多年了。
- Sea lions are lithe animals with the small ears. 海獅是身體柔軟還有小小的耳朵的動物。
- Crafty Sea Lion Befuddles Fish Biologists by Continuing to Munch on Migrating Salmon. 狡猾的海獅不斷吞吃回遊的三文魚,讓魚類生物學家十分困惑。
- Threatened and endangered species in area -- Steller sea lion, Aleutian sea otter, Steller eider. 該地區的物種生存遭到威脅-------海獅,阿流申海獺,絨鴨等物種由於油料污染受到傷害。
- Reporters on the scene saw a sea lion in the head when the body has been askew, did not move far from normal "norms. 記者在現場看到,一隻海獅在頂球時身體已經歪歪扭扭,動作遠沒平時「規範」。
- A large sea lion (Eumetopias jubata) with a prominent mane, found from the Bering Sea to the California coast. 斯特勒海獅:一種大型海獅(北海獅北海獅屬),長有長鬃毛,發現於從白令海到加利福尼亞海岸
- The detailed invasion operation, code named Sea Lion by the Germans depends on the success of the Luftwaffe. 納粹空軍憑藉著代號為「海獅」的入侵行動,1940年七月開始,納粹空軍在海峽和港口襲擊護航的船隻。
- To Hong Kong, we have also gone to the Hong Kong sea park,saw has very performed, has the sea lion, the porpoise and the whale. 到了香港,我們還去了香港海洋公園,看到了很多表演,有海獅、海豚和鯨魚。
- It was the latest brush with humans for the 1-year-old sea lion, called Astro by staffers at the Marin Headlands-based Marine Mammal Center. 對這隻一歲大的海獅來說,這是牠最近一次與人類的接觸。馬林岬海洋哺乳類動物中心的工作人員替牠取名為艾斯特羅。
- Considering the general low visibility,and disabled submarine"s big inclining,rapid ocean current condition of China"s sea area,a multi-manipulator interfacing instrument of DSRV is developed. 基於我國多數海區能見度低的情況,以及失事潛艇具有較大縱橫傾、海底水流較大等不利狀況,研製了深潛救生艇多機械手對接裝置。
- Melat Yante, Miss Ethiopia 2009, gets a kiss from Cassie the Sea Lion while in Dolphin Cay at ATLANTIS, Paradise Island, Bahamas, August 6, 2009. 衣索比亞小姐2009年,獲得而在海豚礁亞特蘭蒂斯天堂島,巴哈馬,2009年8月6日從王翠萍親吻海獅。