- There is a perfect storm brewing," Neff predicted. 那兒正醞釀著一場完美風暴。」
- The film'The Perfect Storm is based on a true story. 影片《完美風暴》取材於一個真實故事。
- Tauzin calls the recent confluence of bad news a "perfect storm. 他的貿易團已經形成了一個特別小組,考慮檢查產業銷售業務。
- Looking at Quarrels between sporting events and displaying Perfect Storm! 笑看體壇風雲,展現完美風暴!
- To make his role in the Perfect Storm convincing, he stay with the fisherman in Gloucester for several weeks and he almost became a real fisherman. 為演好這個角色,Clooney與格魯塞斯港的漁民共同生活了好個幾星期,他幾乎變成一個真正的漁民了。
- "It's almost a perfect storm if you are a homeowner who is in distress right now. 如果此時你是個陷入困境的房產擁有者,那麼這更是雪上加霜。
- As with all of the unbreakable records, you have to have the perfect storm of events for it to happen. 就像所有那些不可破的記錄一樣,這個記錄的發生需要很多必要條件的完美配備。
- To make his role in the Perfect Storm convincing,he stay with the fisherman in Gloucester for several weeks and he almost became a real fisherman. 為演好這個角色,Clooney與格魯塞斯港的漁民共同生活了好個幾星期,他幾乎變成一個真正的漁民了。
- Rising ice-cream prices are the result of what NICRA calls a "perfect storm" - an unprecedented and unlikely combination of circumstances. 這次冰激淋的漲價是各種情況共同作用的結果,前所未有、不可思議,美國國家冰激淋零售協會稱之為 "完美風暴"。
- "It was the legislative equivalent of a perfect storm," LaRocco said, "and we should thank those at the helm for their calm heads and steady hands. 「這相當於司法領域的一場風暴。」拉盧科說,「我們應當感謝那些處於舵手位置上的人們所表現出來的冷靜的思維和穩健的處理手法。
- A good story; skillful staff; a megastar and a little luck, by combined all these together the company did arouse a perfect storm. 一個好故事、一個熟練的攝製組、一個超級巨星,加上一點運氣。製片公司將他們結合在一起,掀起了一陣「完美風暴」。
- "It's kind of like the perfect storm here right now," said Phil Oates, a season-ticket holder since 1985, the year the franchise moved to Sacramento. 格朗格說:「目前,只有全賽季季票的銷售數量有所下降,考慮到球隊正處在轉型期,而且薩克拉門托的經濟目前十分不景氣,這也並不讓人感到驚奇。」
- More important, the perfect storm of the past 18 months has seared the American consumer psyche, likely launching a sea change in spending behavior. 更重要的是,過去18個月的完美風暴沉重打擊了美國消費者的信心,因而很可能令其支出行為發生巨大變化。
- Taken together, Hanke says, these and other factors have made for a "perfect storm" that relentlessly drives up oil prices with no end in sight. 漢克說,從綜合方面來看,這些及其他因素構成了一個完美的風暴,推動是由價格不斷上升,而且沒有上限。
- It would appear that this won't be easy while a perfect storm of economic belt-tightening and suspicion about corporate greed is swirling. 當人們在經濟風暴中勒緊腰帶艱難度日,當人們仍然懷疑公司老闆們貪得無厭得時候,要做到這一點並不容易。
- Sam Zell blamed what he called a "perfect storm" of economic conditions including a credit crisis. But critics say he simply borrowed too much. 山姆.;賽爾歸咎於他所謂的經濟「完美風暴」,包括信用危機。但是,批評人士指出,他只是借款太多。
- The death of two pregnant sufferers offered a perfect storm for the panic-merchants and their media acolytes, who duly staged a full MMR-style scare. 兩名孕婦患者不幸死亡為一場完美風暴創造了條件,恐慌販子和媒體跟風者及時上演了一場十足MMR風格(譯註:MMR是麻疹、腮腺炎、風疹的合稱)的恐怖劇。
- Hwa said the proposals by Zhou and others could help bring about a perfect storm that would reshape the international monetary system in the long run. 但是,要說服私人公司使用特別提款權作為國際貿易和商品價格,需要幾年的時間。而且,來自美國方面的反對也是一大障礙。
- Bad weather did play a role, contributing to 12.9 percent of the collapse in production.The crisis thus had the marks of a perfect storm. 而惡劣的天氣對糧食減產所起的作用僅為12.;9%25,如此看來這場危機還真算一場完美的暴風雪。
- "The Perfect Storm"is a dramatic presentation of events which took place in that region in 1991 and the main characters in the film are all based on real individuals. 影片《完美風暴》記錄了於1991年發生在這裡的一個戲劇性的事件,片中角色均來自當地的真實人物 。