- It is the duty of People's Police in prison to rehabilitate offenders and maintain social stability. 在新時期,對監獄人民警察的思想政治工作也要保持與時俱進。
- If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison. 你要是繼續行竊終歸得進監獄。
- That convict passed the entrance exam in prison. 那名罪犯在獄中通過了聯考。
- Her years in prison left a scar. 她在獄中的歲月留下了精神創傷。
- After ten years in prison, he was a free man again. 他坐了十年監獄,又成了自由人。
- He disclosed that he had been in prison. 他透露說自己曾坐過牢。
- The man was sentenced to three years in prison. 他被判三年監禁。
- The report disclosed that he had served in prison. 報告披露他曾坐過牢。
- People who refuse to pay tax can be put in prison. 拒絕納稅的人會被送進監獄。
- The rebel leader meet the chief of police in secret. 造反派領袖與警察首領秘密會見。
- After 10 years in prison, he was given his freedom. 他坐了10年監獄以後又得到了自由。
- After ten years in prison, he is a free man again. 他坐了十年監獄,又成了自由人。
- Does putting people in prison stop crime? 把人關在監獄里能阻止犯罪嗎?
- They were sentenced to long terms in prison. 他們被判處長期徒刑。
- Those offenders all ended up in prison. 那些違法者結果都坐了牢。
- Have the police in this district been taken care of yet? 這地區的警察都「關照」好了沒有?
- He served eight years in prison. 他坐過八年牢。
- The sentence was ten years in prison. 判決是十年徒刑。
- She refused to make a statement to the police in case she incriminated herself. 她拒絕向警方作陳述以免受連累。
- The lascivious person was put in prison. 那個好色之徒被關進監獄。