- peaceful nuclear explosive reactor 和平核爆反應堆
- He also promised economic gain from "peaceful nuclear explosions," which many American nuclear researchers extolled for, say, digging canals. 他還預言「用於和平目的的核爆炸」定能產生經濟效益,這也是很多美國核研究人員交口盛讚的,比如挖掘運河。
- The neutrinos behavior in a peaceful nuclear explosion reactor is analyzed. 238U and 232Th are used in the reactor to produce fission materials, 239Pu and 233U. 摘要研究核爆聚變電站中的一類中子學問題-如何利用核爆炸產生的大量中子生產核燃料。
- Division of Peaceful Nuclear Explosives 和平利用核爆炸局(屬原子能委員會)
- Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty 和平核爆炸條約
- Ahmadinejad told a Tehran news conference Tuesday that no one can prevent Iran from having a peaceful nuclear program. 艾哈邁迪內賈德星期二在德黑蘭一次記者會上說,沒有人能夠阻止伊朗和平目的的核項目。
- He put the odd weather down to nuclear explosions. 他曾把這種天氣歸因於核爆炸。
- Widespread fallout from a nuclear explosion. 核爆炸后散布很廣的放射性墜塵
- But in October 2006 it tested a nuclear explosive for the first time, raising questions about its intent. 但在2006年十月它進行了首次次核爆炸實驗;引起他國對其會談意圖的懷疑.
- Mushroom clouds appear after nuclear explosions. 核彈爆炸後會產生蘑菇雲。
- ElBaradei said he hoped both sides will agree on a compromise to e ure that Iran has the right to peaceful nuclear technology. 巴拉迪說,他希望雙方達成折衷,確保伊朗有和平利用核技術的權利。
- ElBaradei said he hoped both sides will agree on a compromise to ensure that Iran has the right to peaceful nuclear technology. 巴拉迪說,他希望雙方達成折衷,確保伊朗有和平利用核技術的權利。
- Ahmadinejad said it was "ridiculous" for countries that already po e nuclear arsenals to pre ure Iran to curb its peaceful nuclear program. 艾哈邁迪內賈德星期四在印尼發表講話時說,那些已經擁有核武器的國家向伊朗施加壓力,限制伊朗的和平核計劃是「荒謬的」。
- China supports the early conclusion of the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices (FMCT). 中國支持儘早締結一項「禁止生產核武器用裂變材料公約」(「禁產公約」)。
- And let me be unequivocal: Iran has the same absolute right to a peaceful nuclear programme, civil nuclear programme, as any other country. 讓我說的更清楚點就是:伊朗當然有權進行和平的核項目,民用核項目,就如同其他國家一樣。
- We inspect nuclear facilities all over the world, to be sure that peaceful nuclear activities are not being used as a cloak for weapons programmes. 我們在全世界範圍內檢查核設施,確保核的和平利用,而不是打著和平利用的幌子而進行核武器項目。
- Speaking Thursday in Indonesia, Mr.Ahmadinejad said it was "ridiculous" for countries that already possess nuclear arsenals to pressure Iran to curb its peaceful nuclear program. 艾哈邁迪內賈德星期四在印尼發表講話時說,那些已經擁有核武器的國家向伊朗施加壓力,限制伊朗的和平核計劃是「荒謬的」。
- Nuclear explosions have released radiative particles into the sea. 核爆炸向海洋釋放了放射性粒子。
- The missile warhead hit the target, effecting a nuclear explosion. 導彈頭命中目標, 完成了一次核爆炸。