- Military Pay and Allowance Committee 軍餉和津貼委員會
- Air Reserve Pay and Allowance System 空軍後備役薪餉與補貼制度
- Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他們就要斷電。
- The table relates sheathing thickness, nail size and spacing, sheathing grade and allowable unit shear to enable determination of an appropriate construction configuration. 表中涉及覆板厚度,釘的大小和間距,覆板等級和允許單位剪切,來確定適當的施工構造。
- Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky. 在內胎上塗抹膠水並讓它發粘。
- Costs related to the employment of staff other than pay and allowances e. G. Pensions, staff housing. 即除薪金及津貼外,與聘用職員有關的支出,如退休金及職員房屋福利。
- The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay. 公司工資單上一部分是原工資,一部分是實發工資。
- We need to upgrade the pay and status of doctor. 我們需要提高醫生的工資和地位。
- We must stiffen them all up and allow no weakness. 我們一定要使他們都堅強起來,不允許有絲毫軟弱。
- Stop beefing about pay and do some work! 別對工資問題發牢騷了,干點活兒吧!
- Cabin crews plan a walkout over pay and sick leave. 全部機組乘務人員計劃了一項針對薪資的罷工並集體請病假。
- Pay and promotion are often by seniority. 教師的薪金和晉陞也是論資排輩。
- Make the pullover a little longer, and allow for. 把這件套衫做長一些,以備縮水。
- You cannot stand by and allow such a thing. 你不能袖手旁觀,聽任發生這樣的事。
- Richard gets one dollar for regular pay and a dollar and a half for time and a half. 理查德固定工資為每小時一美元,加班費為每小時一個半美元。
- The chemical must then be salted out and allowed to dry. 之後,這化學藥品必須加鹽分離,晾乾。
- Restart the software and allow it to update itself. 重新啟動該軟體,並允許他自我更新。
- Fail to pay and they will cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他們就要斷電。
- We cannot stand by and allow such a thing. 對這樣的事我們不能袖手旁觀。
- So you get fines to pay and you've lost your herbs. 這下你不僅失去了大麻,還得支付罰金。