- Mao Zedong Thought is still our guiding ideology. 現在毛澤東思想還是我們的指導思想。
- Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought constitute the guiding ideology of our Party. 馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想,是我們黨的指導思想。
- He developed an integral theory on the type of party to be built and its guiding ideology and style of work. 毛澤東同志對於建立一個什麼樣的黨,黨的指導思想是什麼,黨的作風是什麼,都有完整的一套。
- It is the crystallization of the Party's collective wisdom and a guiding ideology the Party must follow for a long time to come. 是全黨集體智慧的結晶,是黨必須長期堅持的指導思想。
- First,a sound guiding ideology,represented by Mao Zedong Thought. 第一,有好的指導思想。這就是以毛澤東思想為代表的黨的指導思想。
- First, a sound guiding ideology, represented by Mao Zedong Thought. 第一,有好的指導思想。這就是以毛澤東思想為代表的黨的指導思想。
- Company guiding ideology for the sincere service, quality first. 總公司指導思想為真誠服務,品質第一。
- Deng Xiaoping"s administrative management thought is the guiding ideology which reforms and improves our country"s administrative system and raises administrative level. 鄧小平的行政管理思想是改革和完善我國行政管理體制,不斷提高行政管理水平的指導思想。
- With the concept of equality at the core guiding ideology, and to co-ordinate with the overall situation of thinking to think China"s rural social security system is established. 用平等的理念為核心指導思想,用全局和統籌的思維去思考中國農村的社會保障制度的建立。
- As you know,during the Yan'an days our Party summed up Chairman Mao's thinking in various fields as Mao Zedong Thought,and we made it our guiding ideology. 你知道,我們黨在延安時期,把毛主席各方面的思想概括為毛澤東思想,把它作為我們黨的指導思想。
- The whole Party and the entire nation must maintain a high degree of unity with regard to the guiding ideology,line,principles and policies and major questions of principle. 在指導思想和路線方針政策以及重大原則問題上,全黨全國必須保持高度一致。
- The whole Party and the entire nation must maintain a high degree of unity with regard to the guiding ideology, line, principles and policies and major questions of principle. 在指導思想和路線方針政策以及重大原則問題上,全黨全國必須保持高度一致。
- The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy. 這本書開創了一個由五本書組成的系列。
- Marxism has been established as the Party's and China's guiding ideology and sinicization of Marxism is the necessity and basis of Chinese revolution and construction. 摘要馬克思主義是我們立黨立國的根本指導思想,馬克思主義中國化是中國革命和建設的必然要求和基本要求。
- But from the perspective of our country, Marxism is still the guiding ideology. 但是,從我國的角度來說,馬克思主義仍是指導思想。
- If the market' s guiding principle is an exclusive obsession with profit, then lay-offs are the only choice to survive competition. 如果市場的惟一原則是對利潤的無止境追求的話,那麼裁員就是在競爭中生存的惟一方法。
- Our Party made mistakes and even suffered serious setbacks in some historical periods. The most important cause for that was the guiding ideology of the Party was divorced from Chinese reality at the time. 我們黨在歷史上的一些時期曾經犯過錯誤,甚至遇到嚴重挫折,根本原因就在於當時的指導思想脫離了中國的實際。
- CYME, 」USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL」, Sep., 1999. 電驛說明書,台灣電力公司訓練所教材,中華民國70年。
- I should like to repeat that our Party has five strong points--a sound guiding ideology,a good Party Central Committee,a large contingent of good backbone members,fine traditions,and a nation of good people who trust the Party. 再說一遍,我們黨有五好:有好的指導思想,有好的中央,有大批好的骨幹,有好的傳統,有好的信賴黨的人民。
- I should like to repeat that our Party has five strong points--a sound guiding ideology, a good Party Central Committee, a large contingent of good backbone members, fine traditions, and a nation of good people who trust the Party. 再說一遍,我們黨有五好:有好的指導思想,有好的中央,有大批好的骨幹,有好的傳統,有好的信賴黨的人民。