- This paper described eight species of Papilio injurious to citrus in Guangdung Province. 柑桔鳳蝶類是為害柑桔新梢和嫩葉的重要害蟲。 筆者經多年在廣東各地採集,飼養觀察,發現在廣東為害柑桔類的風蝶有下列八種:(1)桔黃鳳蝶Papilio xuthus Linnaeus;
- Patterns in Nature: Butterflies Colorful gerbera daisies highlight the rich coloration of a spicebush swallowtail butterfly (Papilio troilus). 意譯:蝴蝶在自然界的模式。華美的大丁草法國菊加亮區的豐富著色的釣樟屬植物一種燕尾蝴蝶。
- A large swallowtail (Papilio troilus) of eastern North America that feeds on spicebushes, having dark forewings with yellow marginal spots and bluish-green hindwings. 烏樟鳳蝶:一種產於北美洲東部的大鳳蝶(北美烏樟鳳蝶鳳蝶屬),以美國山胡椒為食,前翅顏色深暗且邊緣具有黃色斑點,后翅則為藍綠色
- Papilio machaon L. 茴香蟲
- Papilio memnon L. 美鳳蝶
- Papilio Memnon with both female and male parts was discovered on Monday local time, at the Butterfly Park on Sentosa Island, the daily reported senior curator Ithnine Atan as saying. 海峽時報報道:世界上第一隻雌雄同體的人工培育蝴蝶,在新加坡的自然公園被發現。
- A Papilio Memnon with both female and male parts was discovered on Monday local time, at the Butterfly Park on Sentosa Island, the daily reported senior curator Ithnine Atan as saying. 海峽時報報道:世界上第一隻雌雄同體的人工培育蝴蝶,在新加坡的自然公園被發現。
- Papilio polyetsn. 玉帶美鳳蝶
- Papilio machaon cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus 金鳳蝶胞質型多角體病毒
- Control of eclosion timing in the common mormon butterfly Papilio polytes 玉帶鳳蝶羽化時間的控制
- The Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on Diapause Inducing of the Great Mormon Butterfly Papilio memnon Linnaeus 光周期和溫度對美鳳蝶滯育誘導的影響
- Influence of the Photoperiod and Temperature on Larval Developmental Periods of the Great Mormon Butterfly Papilio memnon Linnaeus 光周期和溫度對美鳳蝶幼蟲發育歷期的影響
- 1. A large swallowtail butterfly (Papilio glaucus) of eastern North America, mostly yellow with narrow black bands across the wings. 虎鳳蝶:一種生活在北美洲東部的大型燕尾鳳蝶(北美黑條黃鳳蝶鳳蝶屬),主要為黃色且翅膀上有很窄的黑色條紋
- polyet ylen 聚乙烯
- Li W,Berenbaum M R,Schuler M A.Molecular analysis of multiple CYP6B genes from polyphagous Papilio species[J].Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,2001,31:999-1011 周國理詹希美.;昆蟲CYP6家族與抗藥性及其轉錄調控[J]
- , whirligig beetle ( Dineutus mellyi), tiger beetle ( Cicindela aurulenta) , paris peacock (Papilio paris nakaharai) and small birdwing ( Troides aeacus formosanus). 、大豉甲(Dineutus mellyi)、八星虎甲蟲(Cicindela aurulenta)之飼養技術及管理策略進行報告,並介紹應用不同類型之昆蟲特性所設計之生態展示櫥窗,以供昆蟲實驗研究;
- Menelaidesn. 美鳳蝶亞屬
- Papilio castor castorn. 玉牙美鳳蝶指名亞種
- Papilio castor hamelusn. 玉牙美鳳蝶海南亞種
- Papilio bootes dealbatusn. 黑美鳳蝶紅帶亞種