- The paint on the windows has flaked. 窗子上的油漆剝落了。
- The heat blistered the paint on the building. 高溫使得那座建築物上的油漆起了泡。
- Hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down! 把一罐漆掛在其中一根指針上,使它慢了下來。
- There's a splash of paint on the white wall. 白牆上濺上了一片油漆。
- A painter who had been working on the clock tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down! "一位在鐘塔上工作的油漆工把一桶油漆掛在一根指針上,把鍾弄慢了。"
- He got paint on his hand; he has scrubbed away for half an hour. 他手上沾了油漆,他已擦洗了半個小時了。
- A painter hung a pot of paint on one of the hand and slowed the clock down. 一位油漆工把一隻油漆桶掛在了一根指針上,把針弄慢了。
- Slosh: He sloshed the paint on without bothering to catch the drips. 他把油漆胡亂往上一甩,連滴下來的也懶得抹一抹。
- Don't plaster the paint on(the wall), spread it thinly. 不要把油漆(往牆上)塗得那麼厚,要塗得薄一些。
- We slapped some paint on the wall to brighten up the room. 我們在牆上塗了些油漆以使房間明亮一些。
- He sloshed the paint on without bother to catch the drip. 他把油漆胡亂往上一甩,連滴下來的也懶得抹一抹
- I suggest you paint on wood instead of paper. 我建議你在木頭上畫而不是在紙上畫。
- I must touch up the chipped paint on my car. 我必須修補一下我汽車上的油漆脫落處。
- There are three paintings on the wall. 牆上有三幅畫。
- The sun blistered the paint on the wall. 在陽光下牆上的油漆起氣泡了。
- The coat of paint on the door has spalled. 門上的漆皮已經剝落了。
- Don't dash the paint on the wall like that. 別那樣在牆上亂塗漆。
- As you do, let your imagination go off on tangents. 當你這樣做的時候,讓你的想象力從交點上遊離開來。
- Some of the paint on the wall has come off. 牆上有些地方的漆已經脫落。
- The artist dabbed at the paint on the picture. 藝術家給油畫敷彩。