- 國外PMA產品在航空器維修中的使用Discussion about the PMA Parts Used in Aircraft Maintenance
- 血小板-單核細胞聚合體(PMA)PMA
- 人血管內皮細胞存在尿激酶受體u-PA及PMA引起的受體調變The presence of u-PA receptor in human endothelial cell and its regulation induced by PMA
- 所以我們在ALS和PMA患者中將會看到Jitter浙江大學醫學院碩士研究生論文增寬和FD值增加。So, in the ALS and PMA patients, the jitter and FD value are both increased. In our study, jitter and FD value of SFEMG are measured in MND patients, and compared with traditional EMG.
- LoVo/Adr細胞內阿黴素含量顯著低於LoVo細胞 ,加入PMA后 ,Lo Vo/Adr細胞內ADR含量進一步減少 ;The concentration of ADR was in LoVo/Adr cells was significantly lower than that in LoVo cells.
- PMA和510K是美國食品藥品監督管理局頒發的批准和認可該產品作為醫療器械進入美國市場的證明文件。PMA or 510 K is formal authorization document specified by the government of Country of Origin (FDA of the US) for medical devices to be put into the market of the Country of Origin.
- (2)用抗CD3單克隆抗體和IL-2或PMA和ionomycin作用T細胞,細胞內鈣離子濃度上升,但其濃度低於用抗CD3單克隆抗體交聯GAMIg刺激時的濃度;After incubating with either anti-CD3 McAb+IL-2 or+IL-Lor PMA+ionomycin, intracellular Ca level was increased,but it was lower than beat after stimulated with anti-CD3McAb cross-linked GAM-Ig.
- 在40周內,分別見不典型性增生及異型鱗狀化生5、6、6及7例次,原位癌依次為3、1、1及1例,而大劑量DNP+PMA組及低劑量多次給葯組各誘發浸潤癌一例。The result showed that within 40 weeks, there were atypical hyperplasia (5, 6, 5, 4 cases separately); carcinoma in situ (3, 1, 1, 1 cases separately); infiltrating carcinoma (1 case in large dose serial DNP and PMA administered group).
- 高壓靜電場照射雛雞的外周血液、法氏囊及脾臟B細胞對PMA增殖反應分別在照射后的1~35、1~35和4~35天,高壓正靜電組雛雞明顯高於對照組和高壓負靜電組雛雞;The peripheral blood, bursa of Fabricus and spleen B lymphocyte proliferative response to PMA were significantly enhanced from 1 to 35, 1 to 35 and 4 to 35 days , respectively, compared with controls and negative HVEF chicks after treated with positive HVEF (P<0.05,P<0.01) .
- 對影響加成反應的各個因素進行了研究,以順酐和苯胺摩爾比(n_(馬來酸酐)/n_(苯胺))1.1為原料加成合成中間產物N-苯基馬來醯胺酸(N-PMA),採用丙酮法時,收率可達93.15%;The optimum conditions of the additional reaction are determined. N-PMA issynthesized with aniline(ANL) and maleic anhydride(MAN) as raw materials whose molarratio(n_(ANL)/n_(MAN))is 1.1, the yield of N-PMA is 93.15%25 in acetone method;