- Proximal humerus fractures occur in a dual distribution. 肱骨近端骨折的發生存在雙重分佈。
- Conclusion The treatment of locking proximal humerus pate is an perfect method. 結論肱骨近端鎖定鋼板治療肱骨近端骨折是一種優異的方法。
- While multiple foci of high density tumor bone were seen in 11 cases in the proximal humerus and femur. 發生在肱骨近端和股骨近端的11例均表現為密度增高的多發團狀的瘤骨。
- Open reduction and internal fixation is an effective method of treatment for proximal humerus fractures. 切開複位內固定是治療肱骨近端骨折的有效方法之一。
- Objective: To discuss the treatment of malignant bone tumors of proximal humerus by the replacement of artificial shoulder joint. 目的:探討人工肩關節假體置換治療肱骨近端惡性骨腫瘤的療效。
- Methods Retrospectively analyzed and compared the outcome of the proximal humeral fracture by the locking proximal humerus plate and cloverleaf plate. 方法回顧性分析比較肱骨近端鎖定鋼板治療肱骨近端骨折與三葉草鋼板治療的效果。
- Alternatively, intramedullary nails (IM) designed specifically for proximal humerus fixation may be advantageous in some of these fractures. 另外,為肱骨近端特殊設計的髓內釘可能對這些骨折也是有益的。
- Conflicting information has been published regarding the performance of intramedullary nails in the proximal humerus compared with locking plates. 關於髓內釘與解剖鋼板性能比較研究中,各家資料相互衝突。
- Methods A retrospective study compared proximal humeral locking plate with the leaf plate for the treatment of proximal humerus fractures. 方法回顧性分析比較肱骨近端鎖定鋼板與三葉鋼板治療肱骨近端骨折的效果。
- Objective To investigate the clinical value of the treatment of proximal humerus tumor with individualized artificial humerus head replacement. 摘要目的探討特製人工肱骨頭假體置換治療成人肱骨上端骨腫瘤的臨床價值。
- Locked plates designed specifically for the proximal humerus have in common multiple fixed-angle points of fixation into the humeral head. 專門為肱骨近端骨折設計的鎖定鋼板為肱骨頭內置釘設置了多種角度的進釘點。
- Objective To investigate the application and clinical result of the treatment of proximal humerus fracture with the proximal humerus locking plate. 目的探討肱骨近端鎖定接骨板在肱骨近端骨折治療中的應用和臨床療效。
- Some prefabricated blade plates designed for the proximal humerus have a cannulated system to facilitate accurate blade placement. 一些為肱骨近端設計的預製角鋼板有套管系統,方便了精確的鋼板放置。
- Locking technology is not necessary for many types of proximal humerus fractures, and its use generates substantial implant expense. 對於許多類型的肱骨近端骨折沒有必要使用鎖定技術,其費用較高。
- The solitary osteochondroma is known to be the most common benign bone tumor and occurs most frequently in the proximal humerus,tibia and distal femur. 摘要單純單純性骨性軟骨瘤是最常見的良性骨瘤,它常發生在肱骨,脛骨及遠端股骨處。
- Objective: To observe the clinical effects of two methods in treatment of proximal humerus fracture with anterior dislocation of shoulder. 摘要目的:觀察兩種方法治療肱骨近端骨折並肩關節前脫位的效果。
- Objective:To observe the clinical effectiveness of continuous passive motion(CPM)in the treatment of shoulder dysfunction induced by fracture of the proximal humerus. 目的:觀察關節持續被動活動(CPM)治療肱骨近端骨折后致肩關節功能障礙的臨床療效。
- The most commonly affected bones are the proximal humerus, the distal radius, the distal femur, and the tibia, following the basic premise "far from the elbow, close to the knee". 最常見的發病骨骼為肱骨近端、橈骨遠端、股骨遠端和脛骨,可總結為「遠肘、近膝」。
- The long bones are most frequently involved and its metaphases are the usual sites of involvement, such as the distal femur, proximal tibia, and proximal humerus. 臨床治療困難,單純截肢者往往在一年內發生肺轉移,是嚴重危害青少年的惡性腫瘤。