- Objective: To investigate the expression of endothelin l(ET 1) mRNA in the villus of pre eclampsia and the relationship between the ET 1 and pre eclampsia. 目的:研究重度妊娠高血壓綜合征(妊高征)患者胎盤絨毛組織中內皮素?1(ET?1)mRNA的表達,探討ET?1與妊高征的關係。
- Keywords Pre eclampsia;Labor premature;Pregnancy out come; 先兆子癎;分娩;早產;妊娠結局;
- The level of ET 1mRNA in placental villus was significantly higher in pre eclamptic women than that in control group. 妊高征組患者胎盤絨毛組織ET?1mRNA的表達較正常妊娠組明顯增高。
- He can drone on for hours about his pet subjects. 他能就他的寵物侃侃而談幾小時。
- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最討厭自私自利,不管它以什麼形式出現。
- Washing dishes is his pet aversion. 他最討厭洗碗。
- His faithful pet dog bore him company. 他那忠實的愛犬給他做伴。
- The Analysis of the Aetiology of the Sheep's Eclamptic Toxemia 淺析羊妊娠毒血症
- There's no need to get in a pet about it! 沒必要為這件小事發火!
- My daughter keeps a rabbit as pet. 我的女兒養了一隻兔子當做寵物。
- He addressed her by her pet name. 他用她的昵稱稱呼她。
- These patients have an increased risk of developing preeclampsia or eclampsia (toxemia) of pregnancy. 但其罹患先兆子癇和妊娠毒血症的風險會增加。
- Nothing could console him when his pet dog died. 他的愛犬死後,什麼事情也不能使他寬慰。
- Mother loved us all, but David was her pet. 母親愛我們每一個人,但大衛是她的寵兒。
- In eclampsia (toxemia), convulsions also occur and the hypertension may require prompt treatment. 通常表現為孕婦高血壓,蛋白尿和水腫。
- The little girl cuddled her pet cat. 這個小女孩摟抱著她的寵物貓。
- He never goes on a vacation but he takes his pet dog. 他每次度假都會帶他的狗去。
- If it goes unchecked, toxemia can lead to the dangerous convulsions of eclampsia , or to premature separation of the placenta. 如果未得到及時的治療,妊娠中毒症可能導致孕婦有危險的抽搐性 驚厥 或胎盤早期剝離。
- Conclusions : lower expression of LPL may be associated with the pathogenesis of pre - eclampsia. 結論胎盤組織中LPL的低表達可能參與子癇前期的發病過程。
- Study of the time of termination of pregnancy and delivery type for patients with severe pre - eclampsia. 與相似的文獻。