- The team started with a collection of MR images from 11 deeloping brains, proided by Ellen Grant, chief of pediatric radiology at MGH and the Martinos Center. 研究小組對MGH和Marinos中心兒科放射學權威EllenGrant提供的11例發育中腦的MR影像進行了收集。
- Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Radiology 兒科影像鑒別診斷
- pediatrics radiology 小兒放射學
- The others on the committee were heads of services-surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pathology, pediatrics, radiology, several more. 執委會的成員是各科的主任,外科、婦產科、病理科、小兒科、放射科,還有其他好幾個科的。
- But GLR increasing, PDR hardly to change. 但氣液比增大,旋流器的壓降比幾乎不變;
- A physician who specializes in pediatrics. 兒科醫生專門從事兒科診治研究的醫生
- The others on the committee were heads of services-surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pathology , pediatrics, radiology, several more. 執委會的成員是各科的主任,外科、婦產科、病理科、小兒科、放射科,還有其他好幾個科的。
- Why are pediatrics so important to Wade? 你為什麼認為兒童醫療中心對偉德公司這麼重要?
- UVA Health Sciences Center Radiology Dept. 弗吉尼亞大學醫學中心放射科。
- Pediatrics that you will think very much. 你會覺得太小兒科了。
- Secondly, Lao PDR is abundant in untapped natural resources. 其次,寮國具有豐富的未開採的自然資源。
- The team is now gearing up for a navigation payload PDR at ITT. 該團隊目前正在ITT公司為導航有效載荷的PDR進行改進。
- The second chapter discusses Australian PDR in detail. 第二部分,詳細論述了澳大利亞的首要家庭糾紛解決制度(PDR)。
- Definitive diagnosis depends upon either endoscopy or radiology. 肯定的診斷有賴於放射學或內腔鏡檢查。
- It is good at Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics. 儘管建院的初衷是傳教,客觀上卻起到了傳播西方先進醫療技術,改善我國醫療狀況的進步作用。
- X-Ray, CT, MRI, Interventional Radiology and Nuclear medicine. 影像醫學和核醫學討論版。
- The findings appear this month in the Joual journal Pediatrics. 這個發現出自本月的小兒科日報.
- Techniques in vascular and interventional radiology. 血管和介入放射學技術。
- The findings appear this month in the journal Pediatrics. 這些發現會發表在這個月的雜誌上。
- The branch of radiology that deals with the nervoussystem. 神經放射學放射學中研究神經系統的分支。