- PAF charts do not have a proportioned time scale. 點數圖沒有成比例的時間刻度.
- Human platelet activating factor,PAF Elisa Kit;... 人血小板活化因子(PAF)試劑盒;
- I hope that the PAF is ready to induct the type quickly. 我希望PAF能儘快做好開工生產的準備。
- I hope that the PAF is ready to induct the type quickly. I wonder when the two-seater trainer version will be ready. It would be needed to facilitate training. 我希望PAF能儘快做好開工生產的準備。我想知道雙座的教練機何時可用。這是非常需要的。
- The combined use of Pmax >110 ms and Pd >40 ms is able to improve the sensitivity and specificity of PAF prediction. 結論:Pd增高可預測糖尿病患者伴發的陣發性心房顫動的發生,Pmax>110ms+Pd>40ms聯用時可提高預測心房顫動的特異性、陽性預測值。
- The AI in group CAF was 24.6%,which was significantly higher than that in group SNR and PAF(P<0.01). CAF組左房心肌細胞AI為24.;6%25±9
- EAP is effectively useful for identified SSS and may be routine inspection for identifying PAF. 食道心房調搏對臨床病竇綜合征診斷有較大作用,可作為不明原因陣發性房顫常規檢查。
- Conclusion EAP is effectively useful for identified SSS and may be routine inspection for identifying PAF. 結論:食道心房調搏對臨床病竇綜合征診斷有較大作用,可作為不明原因陣發性房顫常規檢查。
- Objective:To investigate the relation between platelet activating factor(PAF) and lupus nephritis(LN). 目的:進一步了解血小板活化因子(PAF)與狼瘡性腎炎(LN)病理類型的關係。
- Methods:Rat models with venous experimental thrombus were made and the content of PAF was measured by bioassay. 方法:應用大鼠實驗性靜脈血栓模型及PAF含量的生物測定法。
- Conclusion There is relationship between the protective effects of taurine on cardiae muscle and inhibiting PAF. 結論:牛磺酸心肌保護作用與抑制PAF有關。
- The PAF level may forecast whether patients with liver failure will take place HRS. PAF水平對肝衰竭患者HRS的發生可能有一定預測作用。
- The first two aircraft, which were entirely made in China, were delivered to the PAF in March 2007. 頭兩架飛機完全是在中國生產,於2007年3月交付給巴基斯坦空軍。
- Objective To probe into influence and significance of taurine on change of PAF during myocardial infarction. 目的:探討牛磺酸對心肌梗塞過程中PAF變化的影響和意義。
- I didn't leave the PAF till 1947. Then I quit Britain at the same year. I didn't feel there was any future for me or for Britain. 到1947年我才離開皇家空軍,同年我又離開了不列顛。當時我覺得我和英國都沒什麼前途。
- Conclusion: Rutin could inhibit PAF induced platelet aggregation,5 HT release and the increase of intraplatelet free calcium. 結論:蘆丁可抑制PAF誘導的血小板聚集、ht釋放及血小板內遊離鈣濃度增加。
- Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of antiarrhythmics for prevention of recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation(PAF). 目的評價不同抗心律失常藥物在預防陣發性房顫複發中的療效及安全性。
- The action of platelet activating factor in the rat brain was detected by Evans bluestaining after injection of PAF into the rat brain. 頸內動脈注射血小板激活因子(PAF),再給伊文思藍,可見腦實質染色程度加深,而頸內動脈只注射伊文思藍,腦實質未見染色。
- Using a turbidimetric method we found that APN FO 1341 dose-dependently inhibited platelet aggregation induced by ADP and PAF. 本文採用血小板聚集(PAG)試驗比濁法觀察發現APN FO 1341在一定劑量範圍內呈劑量依賴性抑制二磷酸腺苷(ADP)和血小板活化因子(PAF)誘導的人富血小板血漿(PRP)的PGA。
- I/R lesions,and interaction of ET and PAF lead to a vicious circle, thus augmenting the pathological changes in the pancreas. I/R損傷、PAF 與ET 互相作用,形成惡性循環,加重胰腺病變。