- Own Ship's Speed Repeater 本艦速度復示器
- Karla sacrifices her own ship, using it to tow Kirk's vessel through the portal at a sufficiently high speed to prevent the passage from destroying it. 愛普洛夫婦本來要保持青春,但還是決定滿足於已有的生命經驗。
- Leonard raved about Pacquiao』s speed, noting he has 「incredibly fast hands. 倫納德盛讚帕奎奧的速度,說他「驚人的快拳」無與倫比。
- And he dreamed of one day sailing to faraway places in his own ship . 他夢想有一天駕駛自己的船到遙遠的地方去。
- A high speed repeat of the American banking crisis that underpinned the unique misery of the 1930s threatened. 導致上世紀30年代獨特慘境的美國銀行業危機似乎馬上就會捲土重來。
- French investigators have focused on the Airbus 330's speed sensors, called pitot tubes, which may have malfunctioned. 法國調查人員將關注重點集中在名為空速管的空客330速度感應器上,失事飛機上的空速管可能出現了故障。
- It will be safer to have Philip Resleigh on board his own ship than to have him making trouble for us on shore. 把菲利浦·拉什利弄到他自己的船上要安全得多,否則他在岸上要給我們製造麻煩。
- Industrial computer give synchronous control of all unwinder , rewinder and all guide roller』s speed . 使用工業計算機對整機的收放卷張力及各牽引輥的速度同步實現控制。
- "As part of our cultural and educational plans, London will launch its very own ship, the Olympic FriendShip," he said. 「作為我們文化和教育方案的一部分,倫敦將為自己的一艘船奧林匹克友誼船舉行下水儀式。」他說。
- The Jackal can dish out major damage, but is only lightly armoured, so you should really make use of it』s speed. 豺狼也可以作為主要火力輸出,但是裝甲薄弱,所以你要利用其速度優勢。
- Grom Hellscream: We can set sail on the humans' own ships. 格魯姆地獄咆哮:我們可以乘坐人類的船隻出航。
- A rule says that the height of a wave ( in meters ) will usually be no more than one-tenth of the wind' s speed ( in kilometers ). 有條規則表明,波浪的高度(以米為單位)一般小於風速(以公里為單位)的十分之一。
- He also imported raw cotton from America in his own ships. 他也用自己的船從美國進口原棉。
- Native American Indians carved mascots into their totem poles , hoping to attain a cheetah 's speed or a bear's strength. 美國印地安人將吉祥物雕刻到圖騰柱上,希望能擁有獵豹的速度和熊的力量。
- LSAV8 engine also relies on a powerful driving force for advanced transmission systems can be transformed into CTS-V's speed experience. LSAV8發動機的強大動力還有賴於先進的變速系統才能轉化為CTS-V的極速體驗。
- TARGET ANGLE is the relative bearing of own ship from the target, measured in the horizontal from the bow of the target clockwise from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. 目標角目標與己艦之間的相對方位角,以目標艦艦首為準沿水平面從0到360度順時針測量。
- Thinking the situation that the torpedo s speed will change during the course to,we derive more accurate surplus time and improved the guide law. 針對魚雷航行過程中速度會有變化的情況,推導出更精確的剩餘時間,對導引律進行了改進。
- Maybe it's one of our own ships out to rendezvous with a fleet unit. 也許是咱們自己的一艘船開出來同一支艦隊會合。
- Dcollid is a collision distance. (2) Considering own ship's relative motion to target vessels, we define DCPA and its sign, and get a set of collision avoidance curves. (幻考察本船相對於目標船的運動,定義*以『A的大小和符號,「寸此相關聯,得到一組避碰行為曲線,對於碰撞危險度達到規定閾值的船舶,給出最仟避讓時機與行動大小。
- I climbed over a mountain's top wheezily like a snail with 9-11 KM's speed per hour, but I found there are so many continuous and without end mountains, so challenge came to me. 當以9-11公里的蝸牛時速氣喘吁吁的爬上一座山頭,迎面而來的是連綿不斷無窮無盡的群山時,興奮變成了挑戰。