- The prize had originally been a wreath of parsley. 原來是用歐芹編的環作為獎品的。
- And the origination was research in static. 這起因於對靜電的研究。
- He was not quite so hopeful and untroubled as he had originally been. 他不象從前那樣充滿希望,毫無牽挂了。
- MIME originally was planned as an e-mail extension to allow sending of non-text objects via e-mail. MIME開始是計劃用來作為一個電子郵件擴展名來允許無文本的目標對象通過電子郵件傳輸。
- The Chinese original was published in CommonWealth Monthly. ·摘取自刊於《天下》雜誌的《鼓勵創新及獨立思考》。
- These sandstones are interpreted as having originally been point bar deposits. 這些砂岩在成因上被解釋為點沙壩沉積。
- The time and place of the breed's origin are unknown. 此一品種原產於何時何地並不清楚。
- The study also concludes that with the impact of India and Asia, a second center of origin was established for Asia. 研究認為,印度和亞洲的碰撞,確立為亞洲的第二起源中心。
- Originality be created through deep thinking, and recorded quickly. 通過思考形成創意,並加以快速的記錄。
- Amon g the samples from 15 cases, DNA from only paternal origin was found in 2 cases. 在 15組病例中 ,僅有 2例葡萄胎組織的 DNA擴增片段全部來自父方 ;
- The editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. 編輯無可奈何,只得將文章照原稿發表。
- All rights in these originals are reserved. 保留這些原作的所有權利。
- The original was published in the April issue of Taiwan's Global Vista Monthly. 原載台灣《遠見》雜誌4月號。
- His origins were a sore subject with him. 他的出身是個使他難堪的話題。
- The original was all her own, her own happy thoughts and gentle diction. 原稿由她一手擬定,出自她自己的高見和她自己的文雅措辭。
- He made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased. 為了防止原始文件被破壞或擦掉,他複製了備份。
- Tumors that deelop away from the site of origin are also called metastases. 不在原發區域生長的腫瘤也叫做轉移瘤.
- The apartment was originally meant for five. 這套房間本來是準備給5口人住的。
- It was originally a toy factory. 那原來是一家玩具工廠。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一陣風穿過樹林沙沙作響。