- Only approved AD's allow. 只有經過批准的廣告能章貼。
- The array s allow you to manipulate arrays. 數組函數是用來對數組進行操作的。
- Ensure that only approved and tested lifting equipment is used. 確保只使用檢驗合格的起重設備。
- I won't said no AD's allow in here, some of is ok and welcome to post or ask me to post in here.More info will coming up soon. 怪獸不會說不容許任何廣告,有些是可以或歡迎章貼。
- HMO Plans - the most restrictive type of health coverage, HMO's are also the cheapest for both the employer and the employee.These plans require participants to see only approved physicians. 健保組織計劃-最嚴格的類型的健康保險,健保組織的,也是最便宜的為僱主和僱員。
- Only qualified personnel must repair cellular equipment. Use only approved accessories and batteries. 只有專業化人員才能維修蜂窩設備。只能使用合格配件和電池。
- Thus work for women, married or single, was not only approved, it was regarded as a civic duty. 所以已婚或單身女性工作不僅是許可的,而且被認為是公民的義務。
- Do not bring to any hydrogen installation any unauthorised electrical equipment such as torches, radios or power tools. Use only approved lighting apparatus. 不得把任何未經授權的電器帶到氫氣裝置中,例如,手電筒、無線電或電動工具。僅僅使用許可的發光裝置。
- I submitted a total of 56 months of work experience on my membership application, but I was only approved for affiliate membership. Why was I not made a regular member? 我在申請會員的時候總共提交了56個月的工作經驗,但是我僅僅獲准成為附屬會員,為什麼我沒有成為固定會員?
- Only approved Joint-sponsored publications are releasable outside the combatant commands, Services, and Joint Staff.Local reproduction is authorized and access is unrestricted. 只有經聯合審察通過後的版本方可在各聯合作戰司令部、各軍種及聯合參謀部以外發行。
- The three special out-patient treatment and disease Quyao only approved treatment in the designated hospitals, not to retail pharmacies to buy fixed-point. 這三種特殊病的門診就醫及取葯僅限在批准就診的定點醫院,不能到定點零售藥店購買。
- He\'s evidently a predestined player, he\'s almost always scored on his debuts.He\'s a fantastic player, but let\'s allow him to grow. 他註定了就是該做球員,他總是能在處子秀中進球,帕托是位夢幻般的球員,讓我們一起關注他的成長。
- The Japanese government banned by explicit orders the use of sodium selenite and other inorganic selenium in all animal feeds, granting organic selenium the status of only approved selenium source. 日本政府明令禁止在所有動物飼料中使用亞硒酸鈉等無機硒,有機硒是唯一允許使用的硒源。
- Maintaining the integrity of baselines by releasing only approved changes for incorporation into project products or services,and maintaining their related configuration and planning documentation. 僅允許被批准的變更納入到項目產品或服務之中,維護基準的完整,並維護項目產品或服務有關的配置與規劃文件。
- Long-term recipients of job-seeker』s allowance (JSA) will be transferred to private or voluntary contractors who will be paid only if their charges find and keep jobs. 長期接受求職津貼的人將會轉至私人或自願的承包商。他們在自己負責的求職津貼領取者找到工作並保有這份工作時,承包商就可以拿到一筆傭金。
- The functional distinction of IC's allows hardware to be developed in much the same manner as soft- ware. 集成電路之間的功能區別使得硬體系統能與軟體一樣發展。
- Cindy: Well, there』s one way to find out. We could tell Abby she』s allowed to date as long as she keeps up her grades. 那好吧,只能有一種選擇,只要愛彼保持優良的學習成績,我們就允許她搞對象。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想過舒適的生活不過是普通人的本性。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他對攝影的愛好僅是一時的興緻。
- The facts allow of only one explanation. 這些事實只能有一種解釋。