- J&J's stock rose 26 cents to $62.81. 強生股票漲幅26%25,達到每股62.;81美元。
- FNF's stock rose 24 percent, to 12.66 U.S. dollars . FNF的股票上漲24%25,至12.;66美元。
- Shares of Amgen rose $2.19, or 4.9 percent, to close at $47.18. J&J's stock rose 26 cents to $62.81. 安進的股票上漲了2.;19美元,漲幅4
- In 4 p.m. composite trading Friday on the New York Stock Exchange, ITG's stock rose 36 cents to $44.02. 該股上周五在紐約證交所收於44.;02美元,上漲36美分。
- The company's stock rose in price when news stories stated that it was in play. 當新聞報道聲稱,公司被接收時公司的股票價格上漲。
- At $50/share, the fund manager believed FTC's stock price was cheap. FTC股票每股50元,基金經理認為其價格低廉。
- But as CBS stock rose 12% in those first eight months after the split, Viacom fell 10%. 但是,正如哥倫比亞廣播公司股價上漲了12%25,在這些年頭8個月後分手,維亞康姆下跌了10%25。
- Mudd said.Fannie's stock rose $2.52, or 8.9%, to $30.81 at 4 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. 紐約證交所周二收盤時房利美股票報30.;81美元,上漲2
- HP's stock rose2.1 percent, or72 cents, to$35.15 on the NYSE and was the Dow's top gainer. 在紐約股票交易所,惠普公司的股票上升了2.;1%25即72美分,至35
- At the same time, such as Procter &Gamble and Merck &Co., a strong defense stocks rose, led the Dow and S &P bottomed turn when trading up. 同時,寶潔與默克等防禦類股強勁攀升,帶動道指和標普尾盤時止跌轉漲。
- Allen has the equivalent of a 'hold' recommendation on ITG's stock, and Banc of America owns at least 1% of ITG stock. 阿倫對ITG股票的評級相當於持有,而美銀證券至少擁有ITG 1%25的已發行股。
- The company』s stock is traded over the counter on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol "CSCO". 產品性能亦從高端到低端,滿足各類用戶需求。
- Stocks rise and fall, people loaf or work, but they go on forever. 股票行情有漲有落,人們有的在閒蕩,有的在工作,而他們卻永遠如此。
- GM's stock hit $1.16 in recent weeks, but sank to 91 cents per share shortly after GM released its statement. 通用汽車的股價下跌1.;16美元,在最近幾個星期,但下跌至91美分后不久,通用汽車發布了其發言。
- Last year, Yue Yuen badly underperformed the Hang Seng Index, as its stock rose just 13% while Hong Kongs benchmark stock index gained 39%. 去年,裕元集團股票的表現遜於恒生指數,其股價全年僅上漲了13%25,而恒生指數則上漲了39%25。
- Fast forward not quite a year, and Federer』s stock had crashed with a resounding thud. 可是不到一年的時間,費德勒似乎受到了強烈的衝擊。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- Higher today, shares of major banks are Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays (BCS) and HSBC (HBC), followed by its stock rose 3.6%, 3.1% and 1.6%. 今天高收的大型銀行股還有蘇格蘭皇家銀行、巴克萊(BCS)和滙豐銀行(HBC),其股票依次上漲3.;6%25、3
- BNDES bought 13% of JBS's stock in 2007 as part of a capital-raising that allowed it to buy Swift. 2007年,BNDES購得JBS13%25的股份,為其收購Swift公司提供資金。
- Huitong Group (now 000,415 shares, prices, information, the main trading): This week the largest stock rose 5.95 percent. 匯通集團 (000415 股吧;行情;資訊;主力買賣):本周該股最大漲幅5.;95%25。