- One who orchestrate one』s own tragedy. --- 這若譯"自彈自唱" 自是不妥.
- John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one s own fire. 約翰·福斯特認為天賦是點燃自己熱情的力量。
- If is in-service staffs originally, in study has the parent unit, because abolishes, the merge not to be able to receive, finds one's own profession by the student. 如原為在職人員,在學習期間發生原單位由於撤銷、合併不能接收,由學生自謀職業。
- It is not over-exaggerative to say it』s much cleaner than one』s own at home. 毫不誇張的說甚至比自己家裡的衛生間還要整潔。
- Dr Fanelli』s own laboratory was the internet. 法內利博士把網際網路作為私人實驗室。
- Each awakens at one\'s own pace. 在你自己的步履中每一個人被喚醒。
- Camaro too popular for GM's own good? 卡瑪洛太受歡迎通用自身的利益?
- Every cook praises hii s own broth. 自吹自擂。
- What is the importance of living or working in a city relating to your own profession / lifestyle? 對於你的職業和生活方式來說,在城市裡生活或工作的重要性是怎樣的?
- To distinguish MPS of one 's own party from those on the other side of the house, and MP will say ' my hon. friend' . 為將自己政黨的下議院議員與反對黨下院議員區分開,下院議員將稱反對黨下議院議員為「我的朋友閣下」。
- Retiring from they own profession of Print origination and Lithographic Platemaker they own business at 60 years of age. 他們60歲時從他們享有的出版界元老地位和石板刻專家的身份上退休。
- Sometimes, in the intertwining of thought-form in the human dance, one experiences thoughts that are not one\'s own. 有時候,在人類舞蹈之思想的盤結中,你體驗不是你自己的思想。
- And own profession the engineer in numerous realms, own the ability that be engaged in the designer of every kind of a view design. 而且在眾多領域中擁有自己的專業工程師,擁有從事各種場景設計的能力的設計師。
- Mortgaging rural land or even selling one』s own house to non-villagers is banned. 至於抵押農村土地或者向非村民出售自己的房子則是被禁止的。
- Padgett』s own work has been translated into 16 languages. 帕吉特自己的作品已被譯成了16種語言。
- The UN's own gesture may prove more symbolic than practical. 聯合國的姿態也許更多是象徵性,而不具實際效果。
- The patient』s own stem cells are used for an autotransplant. 自體幹細胞移植用的是患者自身的幹細胞。
- The "Master" is the idol of Dickinson"s own religion. 「主人」是狄金森個人宗教世界的最高偶像。
- The one embezzling from the king』s treasury turned out to be the king』s own mother! 從國王國庫里偷東西的人竟然是國王的母親!
- Unlike most Japanese movie stars, Asano has refused to do any of the ubiquitous TV game shows or sit down for tedious taidan with other tarento.He has played the loner miscast in his own profession. 不同於大多數日本電影明星,淺野從不參加那些泛濫的電視娛樂節目,或是同其他藝人坐客冗長無聊的話題聊天,他在自己的事業里扮演著錯位的獨角。