- There is no rule without an exception. 有規則必有例外
- There is no rule in English but has exceptions. 英語中沒有無例外的規則。
- There is no rule that has no exception. 任何規則都有例外。
- But There is no rule but has exceptions. 沒有規則沒有例外but表示否定。
- There is no rule without exception. "常規之中,必有例外"
- There is no rule but has exceptions. 每一種規則都有例外。
- There is no rule without exception . 常規之中,必有例外。
- Living in sin is no longer the social stigma it once was. 現在同居不再象過去那樣被認為是一種社會的恥辱行為。
- Once is no custom. [諺]一次不能成例。
- There is no rule about when a jury should be chosen, but a few factors should be considered. 何時需要選擇一個陪審團並無硬性規定,但是一些因素還是需要加以考慮的。
- A book worth reading once is worth reading time and time again. 值得一看的書值得一看再看。
- There is no rule that the exact object received by a message sink must be passed on to the next sink, though this will often be the case. 沒有規定必須將消息接收器收到的對象原樣傳遞給下一個接收器,儘管通常是這樣的。
- We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough. [諺]年華沒虛度,一生也足矣。
- Unfortunately, there is no rule that will help you to look at a phrasal verb and always know whether it is separable or nonseparable. 可惜的是,並沒有規則可以幫助讀者分辨一個片語動詞可分離與否。
- There is no rule for determining which notation to use, except to use your personal judgement regarding which is easiest to read for the class diagram you are drawing. 並沒有規則要求使用哪種標記,除了用你個人的判斷:哪種更便於閱讀你畫的類圖。
- It is no fun betting on a sure thing. 對必然要發生的事打賭是毫無意義的。
- Because of the ill-defined, continuum nature of fair use, there is no rule advising how many words you may quote before crossing the border from fair to unfair use. 由於「正當使用」定義不清,加之文字表達具有連續性,所以沒有什麼規則能說明引用多少詞才算不超過正當使用的界線。
- Success once is enough for Van Gogh. 對於梵·高來講,成功一次就足夠了。
- Once is bad enough, must it happen a second time? 一之謂甚, 其可再乎
- But there is no rule of law in the13)Jim Crow South, not when Negroes are denied housing, turned away from schools, hospitals, and not when we are lynched. 14)St. 但是在施行種族隔離政策的南部,法治並不存在。至少在黑人被拒絕住房的時候,在被學校、醫院拒收的時候,在我們被私刑處死的時候,法治並不存在。