- Okada Yachiyo 岡田八千代(1883-1962),日本人,女小說家、戲劇家。
- Beneath the Uji, bid farewell to Yachiyo. 邂逅林中,惜別林中。
- There are about 450 okada riders in Makeni alone. 據了解,僅在馬可尼就有大約450個歐卡達騎士。
- The Beatles cut their first disc in 1962. 披頭士樂隊於1962年灌了第一張唱片.
- Uganda achieved its independence in 1962. 烏干達於1962年獨立。
- In 1962 he applied to join the Party. 1962年他申請入黨。
- In 1962, an English philosopher J. 1962年英國哲學家J.
- The country became independent in 1962. 1962年該國獨立。
- The war broke out in the fall of 1962. 這場戰爭在1962年秋天爆發。
- Van Nostrand Company Ltd , 1962. 出版發行項 -- London : D.
- Chen K.P., Wu H.Y. and Wu T.C. (1962). 呂鋒洲,謝宏濱,吳新英,孫金財,郭宗禮,李俊仁,胡惠德(1989)。
- In 1883 they were replaced by 5 different zone time. 1883年,換用了5種不同的區時。
- GronroosC.Marketing in service companies.Malmo liber,1883. 陳小春主編,旅行社管理學,中國旅遊出版社,2003年4月第1版.
- Okada K, Otsuka N. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1986, 69 (9): 652--658. 陳元春.;新型陶瓷塗層硬質合金刀具的開發和性能研究
- A volcanic island of Indonesia between Sumatra and Java. A violent explosion in August 1883 blew the island apart and caused a tidal wave that killed more than 36,000 people. 喀拉喀托火山位於蘇門答臘和爪哇之間的一個火山島。1883年8月,該島火山的一次猛烈的噴發使該島裂開,並引發了一場使36,000多人喪生的海嘯。
- Mining operations by open-cut methods ceased in 1962. 露天開採的礦山作業已於1962年停止。
- From 1957 to 1962, symphonic creation became even brisker. 1957年一1962年間,交響音樂創作呈現出更為活躍的局面。
- By the end of 1962,we had met the demand for petroleum. 到1962年底我們已滿足了對石油的需要。
- The operation was unsuccessful and he died on 30 April, 1883 at the age of 51. 手術沒有成功,馬奈於1883年4月30日溘然長逝,終年51歲。
- Katsuya Okada, with a more co-operative streak, is ready to take over. 更具合作精神的岡田克也正躍躍欲試,準備取而代之。