- Ohara Naoshi 小原直(1877-1966),日本人,官員。
- The country was liberated in 1966. 這個國家是在1966年解放的。
- Stamford Bridge officially opened on 28 April 1877. 斯坦福橋於1877年4月28日正式對外開放。
- This plant was commissioned toward the end of 1966. 這個廠在1966年底正式投產。
- In 1966 he was tried again and acquitted. 在1966年他再次受審並被無罪釋放。
- The Flintstones ran for six years,until 1966. 《石頭族樂園》連播了6年,直到1966年才播完。
- My first real failure was in 1966 in the 6th grade. 我的第一次真正失敗發生在1966年,我上6年級時。
- He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1966. 他也是美國最富有影響力的後現代主義作家之一。
- This was the year 1877, and the school was in Warsaw, Poland. 這是1877年,波蘭華沙的一所學校。
- Cayce was born on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1877. 凱西1877年生於肯塔基州霍普金斯威爾附近的一個農場。
- Gisborne became a borough in 1877 and a city in 1977. 1877年,吉斯伯恩成為自製鎮,1977年則成為一個城市。
- In 1877, it set up what was known as the Chinese Protectorate. 最終,殖民地政府於1877年採取行動,建立華民護衛司。
- Kuniyoshi Ohara, devoted his whole life to the practice of Zenjin education. 摘要小原國芳終生致力於全人教育實踐,其思想豐富、深邃。
- Under union pressure, this law was permitted to lapse in 1966. 在工會的壓力下,這項法令於一九六六年取消了。
- We've produced twice as much cotton this year as we did in 1966. 今年我們生產的棉花比1966年多了一倍。
- I'm trying to find a distributor cap for my 1966 ABC station wagon. 我有一部1966年代ABC版的旅行車需要一個分電蓋。
- In 1877, inventor Thomas A. Edison announced the invention of his phonograph. 1877年的今天,發明家托馬斯.;A
- The English football team were world champions in 1966. 英格蘭足球隊是1966年的世界冠軍.
- Alf Ramsey said it before 1966 and was proved right. 阿爾夫-拉姆齊1966年世界盃之前說過這番話被證明是對的。
- In 1966, the former British colony of Barbados became independent. 1966年,以前的英國殖民地巴貝多島獲得獨立。