- Ogasawara Senshu 小笠原宜秀(1903-),日本人,文學教授。
- From about 1880 to 1903 was truly the golden age of mountaineering. 從大約1880年到1903年,確實是登山運動的黃金時期。
- In 1903, Henry Ford with partners founded the Ford Motor Company. 亨利·福特和他的合伙人在1903年創辦了福特汽車製造公司。
- Madame Curie took the doctor's degree in physics in 1903. 居里夫人於1903年取的物理學博士學位。
- The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903. 巴拿馬共和國於1903年脫離哥倫比亞。
- Company 1903, later became the largest car company in. 1903年創建了福特汽車公司,並且後來成為世界上最大的汽車公司。
- Aeronautics is a whole new ball game from what it was in 1903. 航空術大不同於1903年,展現出一個全新的局面。
- A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that adopted Lenin's theses on party organization in 1903. 布爾什維克俄國社會民主工人黨占多數派的左翼成員,該黨於1903年接受了列寧建黨理論
- Most people believe that the first aeroplane flew in 1903,but this is not true. 大多數人認為第一次飛機飛行是在1903年,但並非如此。
- Kuithan was an accomplished artist and designer residing in Jena since 1903. 庫森是一位善於社交的藝術家和設計師,自1903年起就住在耶拿。
- In its first year, 1903, Gillette sold a total of 51 razors and 168 blades. 第一年中,即1903年,吉列總共賣出了51個剃鬚刀和168片刀片。
- Former Harbin Railway Station (mixed constructionbuilt in 1903,removed in 1959. 原哈爾濱火車站(1903年建,1959年拆除,磚混結構)
- Cherry trees, azaleas and lotus flowers add to the tranquility of Senshu Park, where Kubota Castle once stood. 櫻桃樹、杜鵑花和荷花為千秋公園平添了許多寧靜,久保田城堡曾經就坐落於此。
- In 1903 Marie received her doctor's degree for her study on radioactive matter. 1903年;瑪麗在她的放射性物質學習上取得了博士學位.
- Western Pacific: known only from the Mariana and Ogasawara Islands; possibly a population southwest of Palau. 西太平洋:已知只來自馬里亞納群島與小笠原群島了;可能地一個族群帛琉西南部。
- A training session at Taiwan BJJ with 2008 Mundial Light Weight Brown Belt Champion Makoto Ogasawara. 台灣巴西柔術學院2008 巴西柔術世界盃冠軍小笠原誠 ...
- But as Ms. Kikuchi began visiting her at home and Dr. Ogasawara advised her from Kamaishi, Ms. Asanuma said she found herself preferring he new system. 淺沼女士說,隨著菊池女士開始來她家出診,小笠原醫師從釜石提供診斷建議,她發覺自己也寧願選擇新系統了。
- Western Pacific: Samoa to Taiwan and Singapore and from the Ryukyu and Ogasawara islands southward to New Caledonia and northeastern Australia. 西太平洋: 美屬薩摩亞到台灣與新加坡與從琉球與小笠原群島向南至新加勒多尼亞與澳洲東北方。
- Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea (Ref. 8883), Inhaca Island in Mozambique (Ref. 5285), Sri Lanka (Ref. 10361), and Ogasawara Islands (Ref. 26066). 印度-西太平洋:紅海(參考文獻8883);在莫三比克(參考文獻5285),斯里蘭卡(參考文獻10361)與小笠原群島的英哈卡島.;(參考文獻26066
- Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea (Ref. 8883), Inhaca Island in Mozambique (Ref. 5285), Sri Lanka (Ref. 10361), and Ogasawara Islands (Ref. 26066). 印度-西太平洋:紅海(參考文獻8883);在莫三比克(參考文獻5285),斯里蘭卡(參考文獻10361)與小笠原群島的英哈卡島.;(參考文獻26066