- The military rank,commission,or office of a major. 少校少校的軍銜、軍職或者職位
- Soon tired of the constraint of military life. 很快厭倦了軍事生活的約束
- He was elected to the office of mayor. 他被選上擔任市長之職。
- Office of Superintendent of Military Stores 批准陸軍部設立了軍需儲備主管辦公室
- I am closing my fifty-two years of military service. 我將結束我五十二年的軍旅生涯。
- The office of a reader at a university. 高級講師職稱大學中高級講師的職稱
- The country is governed by a group of military leaders. 該國被一群軍事領導人所統治。
- The office or term of office of a nuncio. 羅馬教皇使節的職位或任期
- Division of Military Application of the Atomic Energy Commission 原子能委員會軍事應用處
- The office, duties, or term of office of a curate. 助理牧師助理牧師的職位、工作或任期
- Bureau of Military Application of Scientific Research 軍事科研應用局
- Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets. 空中照相偵察空中照相偵察,尤指軍事目的的
- Logistics is a branch of military science. 後勤是軍事科學的一個分支。
- The position or office of a head or leader; primacy or command. 首領或領導人的地位或職務; 首要地位或指揮權
- Command Analysis of Office of Military Assistance Funding 軍援撥款辦公室指令分析
- Now he holds the office of Foreign Minister. 他現在擔任外交部長職務。
- I still memorize I became that one of military man. 我仍然記得我成為軍人的那天。
- I mean officers of the rank of major and below. 我是說少校及少校以下的軍官們。
- The office or term of office of a pontiff. 教皇的職位或任期
- The country has had ten years of military rule. 該國已被軍人統治10年。