- She ate up the chance to go to Yan an. 她極為珍視這次去延安的機會。
- I am reading 'Ode to Autumn' written by Keats. 我在讀濟慈的「秋頌」。
- We are aching for a visit to Yan An. 我們渴望去延安訪問。
- He favorite song was called" Ode to Beijing" . 她最喜歡的歌是「北京頌歌」。
- The poem is entitled Ode to Skylark. 這首詩的題目是《雲雀頌》。
- "Ode to a Nightingale" is written by John Keats. 《夜鶯頌》是約翰濟慈寫的。
- He favorite song was called"Ode to Beijing". 她最喜歡的歌是「北京頌歌」。
- A choir sang Beethoven's "Ode to Joy. 一個合唱團還演唱了貝多芬的名曲「歡樂頌」。
- It is an ode to friendship along the ancient Silk Road. 這是一曲古絲綢之路上的友誼之歌。
- A sweet, chiming vibrato and an ode to southern gospel. [甜美和諧的顫音混合效果。]
- Miss Shi. Let's go to Yan Gang Cinema. T: Good. But how? S: By bus. 電腦顯示顏港電影院圖片。
- IT is Fashion Week, the temperatures are subfreezing, and so an ode to the snug down coat is due. 時尚周到了,但溫度低於零度,因此歌頌一下溫暖的羽絨服是必要的。
- He went back to his Yan an days. 他回憶起在延安的歲月。
- Spring is coming, orchid begins to blossom, butterfly is also flying. It is an ode to life and hope. 春氣至,蘭花開,蝶兒雙飛。全畫活潑靈動,充滿了對生命和希望的禮讚。
- This was succeeded by Mrs. Leo Hunter's recitation of her far-famed Ode to an Expiring Frog, which was encored once. 這之後是里奧·亨特夫人背誦她的名震遐邇的《將逝之蛙》賦,念完之後又應聽眾之請再念了一次。
- With the powerful and magnificent music Ode to the red Flag, our performance is coming to an end. 在氣壯山河的《紅旗頌》中,我們的演出即將結束。
- In his case contemplation of the natural world does the job; his final chapter is an ode to the perspective-altering discoveries of modern physics. 在他看來,對自然世界的沉思可以實現此兩項功能;其著作的最後一章是對現代物理學中各種發現進行換位思考的頌歌。
- Ode to knighthood is an important component of Li Bai's pocus.The works reflect Li Bai's peerless personality. 摘要歌詠俠義精神和俠客風采是李白詩篇中的重要一類,這類作品反映了李白個人不可一世的胸懷和氣度。
- She was transferred to Yan Chai Hospital on the same day and is now in stable condition. 她同日被轉往仁濟醫院,現時情況穩定。
- He was apprenticed to YAN Shi-xi, AI Shi-ju, SUN Zheng-yang, JIN Xi-hua successively. 先後師從閻世喜、艾世菊、孫正陽、金錫華等老師學藝。