- O'Beirne rs sphincter 奧貝恩氏括約肌
- obstruction of Oddi rs sphincter 奧狄氏括約肌阻塞
- "It was just the perfect movie for it," O'Beirne says. 歐貝妮說:「這是一部完美的電影。
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 這酒館的打烊時間是十一點。
- We've got the OK from the council at last. 我們終於獲得了委員會的同意。
- He read Eugene O'Neill rs plays in translation. 他讀了經過翻譯的尤金.;奧尼爾的劇作。
- The child's mouth formed a big O in surprise. 那孩子驚奇得張著嘴像個大O字。
- Hyrtl rs sphincter 直腸括約肌
- Ok may I have your last name and first initial, please? 好的。請您告訴我貴姓及大名的頭一個字母。
- Nelaton rs sphincter 內拉通氏括約肌
- Only when everything is ok will the patent be registered. 只有一切都順利,才能登記專利。
- Henle rs sphincter 漢勒氏括約肌, 亨利氏括約肌
- Have you finished lunch already? It's only12 o' clock! 你已經吃過午飯了嗎?現在才12點。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 這支探險隊飽受了加拿大嚴冬的折磨。
- She's OK, but she always likes to blab about how successful her husband is. 她還可以啦,不過她老愛提她老公有多成功。
- Odd rs sphincter 肝胰管壺腹括約肌
- Oddi rs sphincter 奧狄氏括約肌, 肝胰壺腹括約肌
- Giodano rs sphincter 焦達諾氏括約肌
- "We wanted a really handheld feeling," O'Beirne says."And we could take the animation back up into the camera capture room and start reacting to every action that she might do. 歐貝妮說:「為了獲得真實效果,我們可以把這個片段放進攝影捕捉設備,然後對她可能做出的行為進行回應。
- Hello. I'd like to reserve a table for two for eight o' clock, please. 你好,我要訂一張今晚八點兩個人的餐桌。