- He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire. 他開始只經營一家小工廠,如今已成為一個石油大企業的頭兒。
- Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. 現在他把一個醜陋的石雕頭像掛在大門上。
- Now he's an undertaker. 現在,他是一個企業家了。
- Politeness looks well in every man, except an undertaker. 殷勤有禮,會使任何人的外表好看,惟有包辦殯儀者除外。
- He 's an army sergeant. He needs a loud voice . 他是個好軍人。 他需要有大嗓門。
- Now he applied himself to the job in earnest. 他現在認真地致力於這項工作了。
- Now he'll have to sing small because I beat him. 我把他擊敗了,他現在只好乖乘的了。
- Now he heads the agronomy department. 現在他擔任農藝系系主任。
- Now he 's playing out A - K of heart . 現在他在接連打出紅A、k和J。
- Now he felt an intense dissatisfaction. 此刻他心裡大有一種強烈的未足之感。
- Now he 's play out a - k of heart . 現在他在接連打出紅A、K和J。
- How does he occupy himself now he's retired? 他既已退休,那如何打發日子呢?
- He made a rash decision now he's suffering for it. 他做決定太倉促--現在可吃到苦頭了。
- He has made his bed and now he has to lie in it. 他自食苦果。
- She' s an excellent administrator. 她是個優秀的管理人員.
- He has made his bed and now he has to lie on it. 他自食苦果。
- Her father' s an electrician by trade. 她父親是當電工的。
- Now he slept quietly with his fathers. 此刻他安靜地躺在祖墳中。
- There' s an error in your calculation. 你計算中有個錯誤。
- Now he is well enough to take solids. 現在他病好了,可以吃非流質食物了。