- He asked his neighbour to keep an eye on his house. 他請鄰居照看他的房子。
- Introduce your neighbour to another student. 把你的鄰座介紹給另一個學生。
- Danger is next neighbour to security . 禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏。
- Evil thing is neighbour to good. 壞事與好事為鄰。
- Danger is the next neighbour to security. 禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏。
- He asked his neighbour to help him. 他請鄰居幫忙.
- Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your house. 叫你的鄰居留心注意一下你的房子。
- Danger is next neighbour to security. 禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏。
- Invite your neighbour to join you and your friend for a drink. 邀請你的鄰座同學來跟你和你的朋友一起去喝點什麼。
- The gas station just neighbours to the motel. 加油站就在汽車旅館的附近。
- Why did she get so annoyed? I was only trying to neighbour with her! 她為什麼這樣煩惱?我只是想和她交朋友。
- We drew back from taking our neighbours to court. 我們撤回了對鄰居的起訴。
- Its closest neighbour to the north is Peninsular Malaysia. 馬來西亞半島是新加坡以北的近鄰。
- Evil things are neighbours to good. 壞事與好事為鄰。
- Singapore has another neighbour to the south and it is Indonesia. 新加坡的南方有另一個鄰居,它就是印尼。
- I tried to speak,but she waved me aside and called on my neighbour to speak. 我想講話,但是她做手勢要我安靜,而叫我鄰座的人來講。
- I tried to speak, but she waved me aside and called on my neighbour to speak. 我想講話,但是她做手勢要我安靜,而叫我鄰座的人來講。
- He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby. 他找街坊鄰居討了一些牛奶來餵養那個沒娘的孩子。
- The Cheng Apo that often sees knowledge of some of medical health care at ordinary times does not rise by palpitate, appeal to neighbour immediately. 平時常看些醫學保健知識的盛阿婆不由心慌起來,馬上向鄰居求助。
- Lady Lucas was a very good kind of woman, not too clever to be a valuable neighbour to Mrs. Bennet. 盧卡斯太太是個很善良的女人,真是班納特太太一位寶貴的鄰居。