- The Navy and the Coast Guard work hand in glove, especially in war time. 海軍和海岸警衛隊密切配合,尤其在戰時。
- The white dress uniform of the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard. 服美國海軍或海岸警備隊的白色女兵服。
- A jail or prison on board a U.S. Navy or Coast Guard vessel. 艦船上的監禁室或監獄。
- The Navy and the Coast Guard work hand in glove,especially in war time. 海軍和海岸警衛隊密切配合,尤其在戰時。
- A small, lightly armed boat used by the Coast Guard. 小型武裝快艇一種為海岸警衛隊使用的輕裝甲小艇
- A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is below lieutenant junior grade. 海軍少尉美海軍或海岸警衛隊中比海軍中尉職低一級的軍銜
- A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant commander and below captain. 海軍中校美國海軍和海岸自衛隊軍銜,高於少校但低於上校
- But the military depends on volunteers to join the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. 不過軍隊靠自願者來加入陸軍、海軍、海軍陸戰隊、空軍以及海岸警衛隊。
- A small,lightly armed boat used by the Coast Guard. 小型武裝快艇一種為海岸警衛隊使用的輕裝甲小艇
- Of course. With coast guard and with planes. 當然啦。派出了海岸警衛隊和飛機。
- The coast guard picked up five smugglers. 海岸檢查官拘捕了五個走私犯
- A coast guard boat put out through the waves. 一艘海岸巡邏艦破浪駛離海岸。
- A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above commander and below rear admiral. 上校美軍海軍或海岸警備隊的經過委任授予的軍銜,位居海軍中校之上海軍少將之下
- Former Commandant of the United States Coast Guard. 前美國海岸警衛隊指揮官。
- A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above vice-admiral and below Admiral of the Fleet. 海軍上將:美國海軍或海岸警衛隊軍銜,職位在海軍中將之上,海軍五星上將之下。
- Coast Guard said passing ships and philippine navy the Philippine Navy rescued more than 800 peoplereturned a canoe . 菲律賓海岸警衛隊稱,過往的船隻和菲律賓海軍已經救起了800人。
- The coast guard bases rescue units along the ocean shores. 海岸警備隊把營救小隊分駐在沿海一帶。
- A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant junior grade and below lieutenant commander. 海軍上尉美國海軍或海岸警衛隊的軍銜,高於海軍中尉,低於海軍少校
- Navy and Coast Guard vessels pursued a ship, identified as the MV Alpha, suspected of possibly bringing in the terrorists from Pakistan. 海軍和海岸警衛隊的船隻追捕了一艘名為MV阿爾法的船,軍方懷疑這些恐怖分子是乘坐這艘船從巴基斯坦進入印度的。
- The Philippine coast guard Coast Guard said passing ships and the Philippine naval resuced Navy rescued more than 800 people. 菲律賓海岸保衛說路經的船隻以及菲律賓海軍營救了超過800人。