- The Naval Sea Systems Command』s Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) made the award under the SeaPort Enhanced contract vehicle. 這份合同是由美國海軍海上系統司令部的海軍水下戰中心(NUWC)授予的,它也是海港合同的一部分。
- Naval Sea System Command Representative 海軍海上系統司令部全權代表
- S.Navy customers, such as the Naval Sea Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command and the Oceanographer of the Navy. 1997年5月,該船又裝備了一套新的遠程導彈射程精確測量的系統,使得「測量別國導彈射程就像計算自家導彈射程一樣簡單」!
- Naval Sea Systems Command did not respond to a request for information about government rules on overflights of naval shipyards and facilities by Friday afternoon. 周五下午之前,海軍海洋秩序司令部對於有關飛越海軍造船所的政府控制信息的了解的請求未予回應。
- Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters 海軍海上系統司令部總部(美國)
- Naval Sea System Command 海軍海上系統司令部
- Naval Sea Systems Command-Coastal Systems Station 海軍海上系統司令部-海岸系統站
- Naval Sea Systems Command 美國海軍海上系統司令部(也寫作NAVSEA)
- US Naval Sea Systems Command 美國海軍海上系統司令部
- Was he just following instructions from FEMA's command center at Pier 92? 這難道是來自聯邦應急管理局指揮中心的指令嗎?
- But Moses said, "Why are you disobeying the Lord 's command? This will not succeed! 摩西說:「你們為何違背耶和華的命令呢?這事不能順利了。
- Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord 's command. 耶和華曾吩咐他不可隨從別神,他卻沒有遵守耶和華所吩咐的。
- What is special about the Vault 3 is that it represents the army' s command headquarters. 3號坑的特殊之處在於它是兵馬俑軍隊的統帥機構。
- Mike Heiberg: Right, in classic Starcraft infesting someone』s command center was really more of an insult. M:原作中感染敵人的指揮中心更多的是一種侮辱。
- After PLAs captured Lang Son, VPA's command planned to counter-attack and retake Lang Son on Mar 6th or Mar 7th. 在解放軍佔領諒山市之後,越南人民軍指揮部計劃於3月6日或者7日發起反擊,奪回諒山市。
- But Moses said, "Why are you disobeying the LORD's command? This will not succeed! 摩西說,你們為何違背耶和華的命令呢,這事不能順利了。
- So at the Lord 's command Moses sent them out from the Desert of Paran. All of them were leaders of the Israelites. 摩西就照耶和華的吩咐從巴蘭的曠野打發他們去。他們都是以色列人的族長。
- After PLAs captured Lang Son, VPA's command planned to counter-attack and retake Lang Son on Mar 6th or Mar 7th. 在解放軍佔領諒山市之後,越南人民軍指揮部計劃於3月6日或者7日發起反擊,奪回諒山市。
- It was long thought that the late Yanshannian epoch is the transition period from trench-arc system (Andes-type active continental margin) to trench-arc-marginal sea system (Western Pacific-type). 經長期考慮;認為燕山晚期中國東部是溝一弧體系(安第斯型)向溝一弧一邊緣海體系(西太平洋式)轉化的過渡時期.
- So Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers and all the people disobeyed the Lord 's command to stay in the land of Judah. 於是加利亞的兒子約哈難和一切軍長,並眾百姓,不聽從耶和華的話住在猶大地。