- Under the Navy, there are three fleets, namely, the Beihai, Donghai and Nanhai fleets, as well as the Naval Aviation Department. 海軍下轄北海、東海、南海三個艦隊和海軍航空兵部。
- Under the Navy,there are three fleets,namely,the Beihai,Donghai and Nanhai fleets,as well as the Naval Aviation Department. 海軍下轄北海、東海、南海三個艦隊和海軍航空兵部。
- They took the lead in the development of naval aviation. 他們在海軍航空學的發展中起了帶頭作用。
- The end of the War inevitably put the brakes on many promising developments in naval aviation. 大戰結束了,這就不可避免地中斷了海軍航空兵已經取得的一些很有發展前途的進展。
- The brash young First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation. 年青而性情急躁的海軍大臣溫斯頓·丘吉爾對海軍航空特別關心。
- The civil aviation department shall take effective measures to mitigate environmental noise pollution. 民航部門應當採取有效措施,減輕環境雜訊污染。
- Jacksonville at the carrier-based naval aviation and pilot training flight for the first time have a long history. 傑克遜維爾在海軍航空和艦載機飛行員首次飛行訓練方面有著悠久的歷史。
- The Navy has such arms as the surface,submarine,naval aviation,coastal defense and marine corps,as well as other specialized units. 海軍由水面艦艇部隊、潛艇部隊、航空兵、岸防兵、陸戰隊等兵種和專業部隊組成。
- The Civil Aviation Department has gradually increased the number of terminals which monitor flight noise at strategic locations. 民航處已逐步加設噪音監察站,在策略性地點監察飛行噪音。
- The Navy has such arms as the submarine, surface, naval aviation, coastal defense and marine corps, as well as other specialized units. 海軍由潛艇部隊、水面艦艇部隊、航空兵、岸防兵和陸戰隊等兵種及專業部(分)隊組成。
- After the accident, HKO provided a large volume of meteorological information to the Civil Aviation Department to support the accident investigation. 意外發生后,香港天文台提供了大量氣象資料給民航處,以協助意外調查。
- The Navy has such arms as the surface, submarine, naval aviation, coastal defense and marine corps, as well as other specialized units. 海軍由水面艦艇部隊、潛艇部隊、航空兵、岸防兵、陸戰隊等兵種和專業部隊組成。
- The Navy has such arms as the submarine, surface, naval aviation , coastal defense and marine corps, as well as other specialized units. 海軍由潛艇部隊、水面艦艇部隊、航空兵、岸防兵和陸戰隊等兵種及專業部(分)隊組成。
- Eligible passenger who has not been issued with a Refund Form shall make the refund application through the Civil Aviation Department of the Government of the HKSAR. 合資格申請退款的乘客如沒有索取退款表格,應向香港特區政府民航處申請退款。
- Civil Aviation Department Homepage, HKCAD, CAD, Airport Standards, Air Traffic Management, Flight Standards and Airworthiness, Air Traffic Engineering and ... 香港民航處網頁,內容包括機場安全標準、航空交通管理、航班事務、飛行標準及適航、 航空交通工程及標準。
- He was designated a Naval Aviator and received his wings in July 1957. 他是一名海軍飛行員並於1957年獲得一枚飛行章。
- Off-street public parking is provided by the Civil Aviation Department at the Hong Kong International Airport,the Housing Department in its housing estates and the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation at its terminus in Hung Hom. 此外,民航處在香港國際機場、房屋署在各個屋區,以及九廣鐵路公司在紅磡火車總站,均提供街道以外的公眾泊車設施。
- The scientific and technological office special the ensuing chapters of aviation department is sanctioned, have already earned the good comprehensive benefit for the masses of users. 做為軍轉民科技成果,航空部科技局專門下文予以批准,已為廣大用戶贏得良好綜合效益。
- Off-street public parking is provided by the Civil Aviation Department at the Hong Kong International Airport, the Housing Department in its housing estates and the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation at its terminus in Hung Hom. 此外,民航處在香港國際機
- Naval aviator and AVG "Flying Tiger" Flight Leader: Captain Moot would be shot down on January 8, 1942 by ground fire while attacking a Japanese airfield in Thailand. 海軍飛行員和美國航空志願隊(飛虎隊)領航員:莫特上校是在1942年1月8日當他進攻日本在泰國的一個機場時,被地面炮火擊落的。