- Natsume Masako 夏目雅子(1957-),日本人,女演員。
- In 1957 the Soviets put an astronaut into space. 一九五七年蘇聯人把一個太空人送進太空。
- The first artificial satellite was fired off on October4,1957. 第一顆人造衛星於1957年10月4日發射升空。
- In a bar, Lee saves Masako from Shimizu Group. 由於他武功高強,被幕後老闆清水昭文賞識並重用。
- From 1957 on they grew at a snail's pace. 從一九五七年起,我們生產力的發展非常緩慢。
- In 1957 the shop was turned into a factory. 1957年,這個作坊改成了工廠。
- Our comrades can well recall the situation in 1957. 同志們可以回想一下,一九五七年的問題是個什麼問題呢?
- Since 1957, Viorst has been writing in Washington. 自1957年開始,佛羅斯特一直在華盛頓從事寫作。
- In 1957 Konrad Adenauer was already 81 years old. 1957年,阿登那總理已經81歲。
- He was knighted in 1957 and later made a life peer. 他於1957年被封為爵士,而且後來也成為一位終身貴族。
- They presented China with this species of fish in 1957. 這種魚是他們在1957年送給中國的。
- Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge was opened to traffic in 1957. 武漢長江大橋於1957年通車。
- The operation on this unit were finally suspended in 1957. 在1957年這裝置終於中斷操作。
- Launched by the Soviets in 1957, the Sputnik was the first satellite in the world. 蘇聯人在一九五七年發射的人造衛星是世界上的第一顆人造衛星。
- From 1957 to 1962, symphonic creation became even brisker. 1957年一1962年間,交響音樂創作呈現出更為活躍的局面。
- A heavy deluge in 1957 again washed everything away. 1957年一陳暴雨又把什麼都沖走了。
- The first artificial satellite was fired off on October 4,1957. 第一顆人造衛星於1957年10月4日發射升空。
- The Changjiang River Bridge was opened to traffic in 1957. 長江大橋於一九五七年通車。
- The theme of triangle relation is present throughout Natsume Soseki?s early trilogy. 夏目漱石的早期三部曲,始終貫穿著一個主題:三角關係。
- In 1957, the musical "West Side Story" opened on Broadway. 1957年的這一天;音樂劇「曼哈頓西區故事」在百老匯公映.