- This constitutes a threat to national security. 這對國家安全是不祥之兆。
- The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. 我們的外交政策和國家安全都已面臨考驗。
- The National Security Strategy of the US. 美國國家安全報告。
- The kind of national security is. 那樣的國家安全。
- Opponents raised national security concerns. 反對者提出國家安全的關注。
- You may not enter the security area without authorization. 未經批准不得進入警戒地區。
- These matters are vital to the national security. 這些事情對國家安全至關重要。
- Detection is an integral part to national security. 檢波是國家安全的重要組成部分。
- He was considered a threat to national security. 他被看作是危害國家安全的人。
- The President doesn't need a primer on national security. 總統對於國家安全是不需要讀入門書的。
- The group was considered to be a risk to national security. 這夥人被認為是威脅國家安全的危險分子。
- Encyclopedia Of United States National Security (2 Vols. 美國國家安全百科全書(2卷集)
- Iraq's top negotiator on the pact, National Security advisor M. 伊拉克高級談判代表,國家安全顧問M.
- Security Area in Tianjin, deputy political commissar of the Han Baoheng presided over the ceremony. 天津警備區副政委韓寶恆主持儀式。
- To introduce the punitive compensation system into Chinese public security area. 探討在公共衛生安全領域引入懲罰性賠償制度。
- Professor Hess says food security is national security. DaleHess教授說食物安全就是國家安全。
- We support the armed services in the name of national security. 堅決維護國家的安全。
- During the crisis the President's national security advisers huddled. 危機時期,總統的國家安全顧問們聚到了一起
- At the 10+3 summit,leaders of 10 ASEAN countries and China,Japan,the Republic of Korea had a thorough exchange of views on cooperation in political,economic and security area. 在10+3會議上,東盟10國與中國、日本、韓國領導人就在政治、經濟與安全領域的合作充分交換了意見。
- Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses the gravest threat to national security. 絕密極其保密的信息,任何不經許可的揭密都會對國家安全造成最嚴重的危脅