- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破崙攻無不克靠的是堅強的意志。
- He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers. 他去櫻桃園看花。
- Napoleon subdued most of Europe. 拿破倫征服了大半個歐洲。
- Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French. 拿破崙自稱為法國皇帝。
- Cherry trees flower in the early spring. 櫻桃樹在早春開花。
- She needs a cherry cabinet in her room. 她需要在她房裡添一個櫻桃木的柜子。
- The cherry trees blossomed early this year. 櫻桃樹今年開花早。
- Napoleon Bonaparte shed much blood in his European wars. 拿破倫·波拿巴在他的歐洲戰爭中使人民血流成河。
- The coming of General Blucher at Waterloo turned the day against Napoleon. 布魯克將軍到達滑鐵盧,使得拿破崙轉勝為敗。
- We went to the park to see Japanese cherry blossoms. 我們到公園去看日本櫻花。
- After the death of Napoleon, his empire began to fall to pieces. 拿破崙死後,他所建立的帝國也隨之崩潰。
- A type of cherry intermediate between a sweet and a sour cherry. 公爵櫻桃介於甜與酸櫻桃之間的一種櫻桃
- Her cherry cheeks turned pale when she heard the news. 她聽到這個消息後鮮紅的臉頰變得蒼白。
- We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies. 我們有不同的派,例如蘋果、櫻桃和草莓派。
- The forces of Napoleon were vanquished at Waterloo. 拿破崙的軍隊在滑鐵盧全軍覆沒。
- Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle. 拿破崙部署他的軍隊以便作戰。
- It commemorates Russia's victory over Napoleon. 它是為了紀念俄國和拿破崙交戰的勝利。
- We got to Japan in time for the cherry blossoms. 我們到達日本,正好趕上櫻花開放。
- The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon. 教授寫了一部有關拿破崙的巨著。
- The aftertaste is fruity, almost cherry. 淺粉象啤酒酒體醇厚,口味醇和。