- World maps have always shown the Nansha Islands as part of China. 南沙群島,歷來世界地圖是劃到中國的,屬中國
- Pirates used to maroon people on desert islands. 海盜過去慣常把人們遺棄在荒島。
- On these islands a system of barter is used. 在這些島上仍然實行著物物交換的制度。
- These spratly islands were, are, and will forever be, part of China. 這些群島過去,現在,和將來永遠都是中國的一部分!
- I'd buy an island if I had lots and lots of money. 果真我有許多許多錢,我就買一個小島。
- Nobody has ever set foot on that island. 沒有人曾經登上過那個島嶼。
- Is it possible to unify such scattered islands into a nation? 有可能把這樣一些散落在大海上的島嶼統一成一個國家嗎?
- He sailed the boat between the islands. 他駕駛著船在兩島之間航行。
- A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon. 一環小島圍繞著礁湖。
- This island is no longer a dependency of the USA. 這個小島不再是美國的屬地。
- Wales is in the southwest of the British Island. 威爾士在大不列顛島的西南部。
- The island is noted for its summer resort. 這個島以避暑勝地而著稱。
- The mountainous island loomed on the horizon. 那座巨大的島嶼隱隱約約浮現在地平線上。
- The sovereignty of these islands is in dispute. 這些島嶼的主權有爭執。
- Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA? 夏威夷群島是美國的屬地嗎?
- We have the question of Diaoyu Island and the question of the Nansha Islands. 我們有個釣魚島問題,還有個南沙群島問題。
- China has a coastline which is studded with islands. 中國有一個島嶼星羅棋布的海岸線。
- He was the only human being on the island. 他是那個島上唯一的人。
- The island is still undeveloped. 這座島嶼未得到充分開發。
- This island is triangular in shape. 這個島的外形呈三角形。