- Nambara Shigeru 南原繁(1889-1974),日本人,政治學教授。
- Portugal recognized Guinea-Bissau in 1974. 1974年,葡萄牙承認幾內亞比索。
- The Eiffel Tower was erected in 1889. 埃菲爾鐵塔建於1889年。
- The statement was made in December 1974. 這段話是1974年12月說的。
- In 1889, the workers rebelled, killing five whites. 1889年,勞工起而抗爭,五名白人遇害。
- The company's bicentenary was in 1974. 一九七四年是這公司成立二百周年。
- In January 1889 the rebels broke into the city. 1889年1月起義軍打進了城。
- The Eiffel Tower was finished in 1889. 艾菲爾鐵塔於1889年建造完成。
- Marcel Moyse was born on 17 May 1889 in St. 馬塞爾-莫伊斯1889年出生在法國阿蒙。
- In 1974, Kissinger married Nance Markenice. 1974的,基辛格與南希·馬金尼斯結婚。
- She received a bachelor' s degree in arts in 1974. 她於1974年獲文科學士學位。
- She received a bachelor's degree in arts in 1974. 她於一九七四年獲文學士學位。
- In 1974 Darwin was devastated by Cyclone Tracy. 1974年達爾文被熱帶氣旋特蕾西夷為平地。
- In 1974, I was running for Congress. 1974年,我開始競選國會議員。
- Adoption papers were duly filed in May 1974. 有關收養的文件在1974年5月就已歸檔。
- My birthdate is January 12,1974. 1974年元月12日。
- On Feb. 12, 1974, he was arrested. 1974年2月12日,他被捕了。
- It was invented by a hunky in 1974 . 一個匈牙利人在1974年發明了魔方。
- Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. 1889年4月16日查理·卓別林出生於倫敦。
- MATTHEWS M. Soviet Government. Lnd. 1974, p. 28. 標準為每5平米交1%25最低工資。