- Nakano Hirotaka 中野寬孝(1919-),日本人,實業家。
- It was at the time of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. 那是1919年「五四運動」。
- In 1919, I was arrested in Denver for possessing narcotics. 1919年,我在丹佛因擁有毒品而被捕。
- In 1919,I was arrested in Denver for possessing narcotics. 1919年,我在丹佛因擁有毒品而被捕。
- The average skirt was about six inches from the ground in 1919. 1919年,一般裙子離地大約六英吋。
- He is the man who fixed the World's Series back in 1919. 他就是一九一九年那年非法操縱世界棒球聯賽的那個人。
- This is a postage meter.Pitney Bowes made the first one in 1919. 這是蓋戳機.;皮特尼,鮑在1919年生產了第一台蓋戳機。
- In 1919 he was created a Field Marshal and ennobled. 1919年,他成為陸軍元帥並被封為爵士。
- In 1919 Berlin another gym instructor shed Lentz (K. 1919年柏林另一位體育教師舍倫茨(K.
- In 1919, Gropius in Germany set up the Bauhaus school in Weimar. 1919年,格羅皮烏斯在德國魏瑪成立了包豪斯學校。
- January 18, 1919, the victors held in Paris "peace conference. 1919年1月18日,戰勝國在巴黎召開「和平會議」。
- In 1919, MPDC was renamed as United Parcel Service (UPS). 1919年,「商業包裹遞送公司(MPDC)」被更名為「聯合包裹(UPS)」。
- How about this? Start with me.I'll sing a song of Nakano Yosiko's called lover. 怎麼樣了?我先開始。唱一首中野良子的戀人吧。
- L.H.O.O.Q. is a mustached reproduction (1919) by Dada painter Marcel Duchamp. 即帶鬍鬚的蒙娜·麗莎是達達主義派畫家杜尚於1919年加工創作而成。
- The machineries from Pratt &Whitney were delivered to Shanghai, in 1919. 1919年,布列得公司將生產之機具運抵上海。
- My grandmother was born in 1919, while my grandfather was born in 1917. 我祖母生於1919年,祖父生於1917年。
- The knowledge-creating company[M], Ikujiro Nonaka,Hirotaka Takeuchi.NewYork:Oxford University Press,1995. 知識管理原理與應用[M],廖開際,清華大學出版社,北京,2007
- A fairly distinct alignment was already evident by midsummer of 1919. 到1919年仲夏,陣容已相當明顯。
- In 1919, after the First World War, soldiers returned home to find no jobs. 一九一九年第一次世界大戰之後,回家的士兵們找不到工作。
- Yamauchi,Hirotaka and Hidcki Murakami(1995).「Air Transport in Japan:Policy Change and its Evalution」,Keizai Bunseki,N0.143,Dec. 毛壽龍;李梅;陳幽泓.;西方政府的治道變革[M]