- Remember Murphy′s Law - if it can happen, it will. 記住墨菲法則 - 只要有發生的可能性,它就必然會發生。
- Of course, this is Lenz』s law in action. 當然,這是楞次定律的體現。
- How to avoid falling into the pitfall "Huang Zhongxi' s law" again? 如何避免重蹈「黃宗羲定律」的陷阱?
- The definition of ideal gas is discussed. For gaving this definition, none of the equation of state and Joule"s law can be dispensed with. 討論了理想氣體的定義,指出理想氣體狀態方程與焦耳定律對於定義理想氣體是缺一不可的.
- In fact, starting with rays implies the use of Snell』s law. 鏡頭設計專業本質上很可能即將消失。
- The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion. 法律規定每個人都有信仰宗教的權利。
- Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke#s Law of Elasticity? 聽說過延展強度嗎?胡克定律?
- Note that Ohm『s law holds true for DC as well as for AC circuits. 「感抗」這個術語只適用於交流電路,其測量單位為歐姆。
- In the Cyclades, a law states that every building must follow this color code. 在席克勒底,有條法規訂定建築全都要遵守這項顏色規範。
- Abstract: The definition of ideal gas is discussed. For gaving this definition, none of the equation of state and Joule"s law can be dispensed with. 文摘:討論了理想氣體的定義,指出理想氣體狀態方程與焦耳定律對於定義理想氣體是缺一不可的.
- Newton 's laws are not applicable to any case. 牛頓定律並不適合於任何情況。
- Newton 's laws are not applicable to any case . 牛頓定律並不適合於任何情況。
- Lenz s law is a classical theory for analysing inducted current phenomenon. 楞次定律是直接分析感應電流現象的重要定律。
- In the United States, there are two sorts of property foreclosure in most common law states. 在美國,有兩種財產贖多數普通法國家。
- He proposed the "law state" as the second best alternative for the governance of man. 他提出「法治國」是統治人類的第二等好的選擇。
- Lenz's Law states that the induced current flows in a direction such that it opposes the change producing it. 楞次定律指出感生電流所流動的方向,是要對抗產生的電流改變。
- Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 18 months. 摩爾定律是指一個晶元上的晶體管數量每18個月翻一番。
- The law states that women enjoy equal freedom in marriage and divorce,and the relations between husband and wife are equal. 法律規定,婦女享有平等的結婚和離婚自由權,在夫妻關係中男女平等。
- Many states follow an easy and simple tax foreclosure, in the United States; there are two sorts of property foreclosure in most common law states. 走了許多國家稅務贖簡單,在美國;有兩種財產贖大部分普通法國家。
- As long as the system is isolated. In thermodynamics jargon, randomness is called...tropy. The third law states that no system can be reduced to 0 K. 前提是系統要孤立。在熱力學行話中,混亂程度叫做熵。第三定律斷言,沒有一個系統能達到絕對零度。