- Moody's has three levels of prime or investment grade ratings,divided into 10 subsidiary levels,from Aaa,the top Prime-1 rating,to Baa3,the bottom Prime-3 rating. 穆迪在優質或投資級方面的評級有3個。其中,從最高優質1級的Aaa,到最低優質3級的Baa3共有10個等次。
- Moody's has three levels of prime or investment grade ratings, divided into 10 subsidiary levels, from Aaa, the top Prime-1 rating, to Baa3, the bottom Prime-3 rating. 穆迪在優質或投資級方面的評級有3個。 其中,從最高優質1級的Aaa,到最低優質3級的Baa3共有10個等次。
- Investment grade bonds outperform governments. 投資級債券表現勝過政府債券。
- Investment grade bonds marginally under perform governments. 投資級債券的表現略遜於政府債券。
- Investment grade bonds marginally underperform government bonds. 投資級債券表現較政府債券略遜色。
- K & W's investment in accounts receivable and inventories has decreased 20%. 該公司的應收及存貨水準減少了20%25。
- NFA's Investor Webcast: Don't Become a Victim of Investment Fraud. NFA投資者播報:謹慎!勿成為投資欺詐受害者。
- Both credit-rating agencies still place it a few notches below investment grade. 不過信貸評級機構依然將奈及利亞列在投資級別之下。
- Investment grade bonds marginally underperform government bonds as spreads widen. 由於息差擴大,投資級債券稍稍跑輸政府債券。
- Credit bonds for investment grade credit as well as distressed debt have suffered greater falls than even equities. 投資級信用的信用債券以及不良債權甚至遭受了比股票更大的下滑。
- Turcan said AT&T's investment in the portal has been "significant" but declined to elaborate. 馬上翻譯!
- Measured strictly in terms of financial returns, Google』s investment in AOL has been a dud. 在對財務收益方面進行了一番嚴格斟酌之後,谷歌認為投資美國在線已顯多餘。
- The rating agency reminded investors that India was in danger of losing its investment grade. 該評估機構提醒投資者,印度已處於喪失投資等級的危險中。
- Investment grade bonds underperform government bonds as spreads continue to widen. 由於兩者之間息差不斷擴闊,投資級債券跑輸政府債券。
- Yum!'s investment is a huge vote of confidence in the quirky restaurant chain from Inner Mongolia. 百勝的投資是對這家來自內蒙古的餐飲連鎖公司發展前景的極度信任。
- Then, it elaborates the motives of TNC"s investment on China in light of theories of TNC. 其次,以跨國公司理論為指導,深入分析了跨國公司在華投資的動機。
- GIC's investment portfolio is managed by its three subsidiaries: GIC Asset Management Pte Ltd (public markets). 公司的投資由旗下三家子公司管理:GIC資產管理(私人)有限公司(公開市場).
- Junk BondA bond that is rated by a ratings agency as being below investment grade and investment in the bond is high risk. 垃圾債券被信用級別評定機構評定為低於投資級別的投資風險高的債券。
- Gillespie,ran parts of UBS's investment bank for nine years until he became avice-chairman in 2005. 吉斯派爾在瑞銀投資銀行下屬部門擔任9年負責人,2005年升任副董事長。
- Our house view has increased weight in equity and high yield fixed income at the expense of investment grade and low yielding cash. 我們建議,以犧牲投資評級和低收益現金為代價,增持股票及高收益的固定收益基金。