- But as a matter of fact,it was our experience in the last ten months that many or even most of the mobile warfare campaigns became campaigns of attrition,and guerrilla warfare did not adequately fulfil its proper function of annihilation in certain areas. 但是在事實上,十個月的經驗是,許多甚至多數的運動戰戰役,打成了消耗戰;游擊戰之應有的殲滅作用,在某些地區,也還未提到應有的程度。
- Mobile warfare or positional warfare? 運動戰,還是陣地戰?
- But the pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare. 但是轉換全局的戰略方針,必然要是運動戰。
- It is possible for us to pursue mobile warfare with the utmost efficiency. 我們有可能以最大的效率來進行運動戰。
- Herein lies the fundamental characteristic of the Red Army's mobile warfare. 紅軍的運動戰的基本特點,就在這裡。
- C.Fuller and General Martell further developed tactics of mobile warfare. C.;富勒將軍和馬特爾將軍進一步發展了運動戰理論。
- In saying this we also have in mind the strategic task of developing guerrilla warfare into mobile warfare. 這樣說,是包括了游擊戰向運動戰發展這一個戰略任務在內的。
- It is the best principle for waging a protracted war and it is also the principle for what is known as mobile warfare. 這是實行持久戰的最好的方針,也即是所謂運動戰的方針。
- Among the forms of warfare in the anti-Japanese war mobile warfare comes first and guerrilla warfare second. (九五)抗日戰爭的作戰形式中,主要的是運動戰,其次就要算游擊戰了。
- Our primary form of fighting will still be mobile warfare, but positional warfare will rise to importance. 這個階段我所採取的主要的戰爭形式仍將是運動戰,但是陣地戰將提到重要地位。
- In 1941 it defeated the Yugoslav and Greek armies which had the fighting spirit but not the needed weapons for mobile warfare. 1941年擊敗南斯拉夫和希臘軍隊。他們雖然有戰鬥精神但是缺乏機動作戰需要的武器。
- In this stage,our form of fighting will be primarily guerrilla warfare,supplemented by mobile warfare. 此階段中,我之作戰形式主要的是游擊戰,而以運動戰輔助之。
- Nevertheless,in the third stage too,we must exert our every effort to make mobile warfare the primary form of warfare. 雖然如此,第三階段中,我們仍須力爭以運動戰為戰爭的主要形式。
- Geographically,the theatre of the war is so vast that it is possible for us to conduct mobile warfare most effectively. 在地理上,戰場這樣廣大,我們作最有效的運動戰,是可能的。
- Oppose fixed battle lines and positional warfare,and favour fluid battle lines and mobile warfare. 反對固定的作戰線和陣地戰,承認非固定的作戰線和運動戰。
- Our primary form of fighting will still be mobile warfare,but positional warfare will rise to importance. 這個階段我所採取的主要的戰爭形式仍將是運動戰,但是陣地戰將提到重要地位。
- Only thus can a main force be built up in each guerrilla base area and mobile warfare emerge for more effective attacks on the enemy. 只有這樣,一個游擊戰爭根據地上面的主力兵團才能造成,更有效力地打擊敵人的運動戰方式才能出現。
- In this stage the form of fighting we should adopt is primarily mobile warfare, supplemented by guerrilla and positional warfare. 這一階段我所採取的戰爭形式,主要的是運動戰,而以游擊戰和陣地戰輔助之。
- One of the characteristics of mobile warfare is fluidity, which not only permits but requires a field army to advance and to withdraw in great strides. (九三)運動戰的特點之一,是其流動性,不但許可而且要求野戰軍的大踏步的前進和後退。
- Oppose fixed battle lines and positional warfare, and favour fluid battle lines and mobile warfare. 反對固定的作戰線和陣地戰,承認非固定的作戰線和運動戰;