- The sexual love pursuit in Mo Yan s novels has gone through a procss from normality to abnormality. 莫言小說性愛訴求的運行軌跡是從常態走向變態,即從「野性的證明」走向了「泛性的枵渴」。
- 3、As the novel structure, the pattern of 「virago and coward」 often appeared in Mo Yan』s novels, so I will analysis the deep-seated mentality reasons of it. 3、討論莫言小說中「悍妻懦夫」的結構模式,並探討其深層的心理原因。
- Mo Yan' s novels 莫言小說
- The carnivalization trait in Mo Yan's novel creation presents vivid social and age elements, which has close connection with direction changing in novel creation since the coming of new period. 莫言小說創作中的狂歡化特色是帶有鮮明的社會因素和時代特徵的,它同新時期以來小說創作的轉向有密切的關係。
- The Modernity of Mo Yan's Native Soil Novel 莫言鄉土文學作品的現代性
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 許多評論家稱在年輕的M.;的小說中有海明威的影子。
- Leshan Giant Buddha statues Mo Yan TangDynasty is in the fine arts is one of the world's largest stoneMaitreya seated. 樂山大佛是唐代摩岩造像中的藝術精品之一,是世界上最大的石刻彌勒佛坐像。
- With his skillful description of the living style of the people by means of their thinking mode, Mo Yan creates a unique aesthetic judgment of the world in his works. 莫言善於以民間的想象方式敘寫民間的生存方式,從而在作品中創造了一個獨特的既是本土的又是現代的審美藝術世界。
- A multi-faceted film based on Raymond Jean&&9;s novel "La Lectrice". 康斯坦斯睡在床上大聲朗誦小說給愛人聽。
- Moon Water cave walls Mo Yan Many carved poems, including "portal away with the Watergate Ying, also a half months into a one-float" imageMoon Water rock and painted scenery. 水月岩洞壁上摩岩刻詩很多,其中有「洞門遙與水門映,半月還成滿月浮」,形象地描繪水月岩及其景色。
- Attempt to Compare Mo Yan's Fable Novel with Karphar's 試比較莫言與卡夫卡寓言小說的異同
- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小說中的英國形象為讀者打開了一扇審視世界的窗戶。
- I put the translation of Upton Sinclair' s novel into her hands since 19d finished it already. 我就把《屠
- Zhao Ben fu?s novel Earth, the Mother is in a narrative way from the folk discourse. 趙本夫是採用民間話語的敘事方式來寫作長篇系列小說《地母》的。
- History and its reconstruction are among the important themes in Toni Morrison?s novel Paradise. 歷史及其重構是托妮·莫里森小說《樂園》的重要主題。
- The strong consciousness of depicting histories of Hugo?s novel creation had affected Zengpu deeply. 雨果小說創作中強烈的寫史意識對曾樸產生了深刻的影響。
- Dialogues between Mo Yan and Wang Yao 莫言王堯對話錄
- The means of Dracula』s arrival to Whitby in Stoker』s novel was also loosely founded on truth. 斯托克小說中德古拉到達惠特比的方式也隱約取自事實。
- This essay tries to read and interpret Morison"s novel in the Light of Intertextuality. 本文從莫里森小說的互文性表現形態來說明小說的主要特徵。
- Zhao Shuli s novels embodies elegance from its popularization. 趙樹理小說在通俗化中呈現出了高雅的氛圍。