- Mizuno Shigeo 水野成夫(1899-1972),日本人,《產業經濟新聞》社社長。
- In 1972 Britain left EFTA and joined the EEC. 1972年英國脫離歐洲自由貿易聯盟,加入了歐洲經濟共同體。
- The country attained its independence in 1972. 這個國家在1972年獲得了獨立。
- As far as I can recollect, he was born in 1898 and died in 1972. 我記得他生於一八九八年,卒於一九七二年。
- The conference was held at the Hague in 1899. 這個會議是1899年在海牙舉行的。
- The old folks'departure grieved Shigeo. 老兩口的離去使茂雄悵然若失。
- London had its hottest day yesterday since 1899. 昨天倫敦是1899年以來最熱的一天。
- The old folks' departure grieved Shigeo. 老兩口的離去使茂雄悵然若失。
- They were held in 1899 (eighteen ninety-nine). 是在1899年舉行的。
- The story goes back to the end of March in 1972. 這事是在1972年3月底發生的。
- In 1899, he was captured by the Boers, but escaped. 一八九九年他被波爾人俘虜,但逃脫了。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer . 他在1899年製作了一部電影叫魔術師。
- This building was raised in 1972. 該建築始建於1972年。
- In 1899, IWC produced its first wristwatches. 1899年,萬國表公司推出了第一款腕錶。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer. 他在1899年製作了一部電影叫魔術師。
- The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster. 1972 年的法案強制實行了英國中央政府的直接統治。
- Edgar Snow passed away on February 15, 1972. 埃德加 斯諾於1972年2月15日逝世。
- They last defeated England in 1972. 他們最近一次戰勝英格蘭隊是在1972年.
- He joined the Liberation Army in 1972. 他於一九七二年參加了解放軍。
- He took up his residence here in 1972. 他1972年在這裡住了下來。