- Jeffrey M. Stricker. Comparison Methodology for Long Range Subsonic Cruise Missile Propulsion System. 劉桐林等編.;世界導彈大全
- Moreover, the propulsion technology of coilgun is the most complex kind of EML on this realm, and it is the most potential and meritable technology. 而同軸線圈方式推進技術又是電磁發射領域內最複雜,也是優點突出、潛力最大的一種發射技術。
- Advanced propulsion technology application, including tracing, evaluation, feasibility study and execution . 先進驅動技術應用,包括追蹤、評估、前期論證和應用實施。
- Research of laser propulsion technology used in orbited space mobile carrier[J]. 引用該論文 石磊;趙尚弘;方紹強;胥傑;李勇軍;李應紅.
- Taiwan seized in 2005 by Xie Jin Wei billion giant enterprises on the island in the name of "Scud" missile propulsion turbine and the pump housing, and other components, and delivery to Libya. 2005年查獲台商謝進億以瑋巨企業名義在島內製造「飛毛腿」導彈推進器渦輪外罩和液壓泵等零部件,並輸送至利比亞。
- Ram accelerator is a propulsion technology for accelerating projectile to ultrahigh velocity using chemical energy of propellant gaseous mixture. 衝壓加速器是利用預混可燃氣體燃燒釋放的化學能將彈丸加速的超高速發射裝置 .
- The AIR JORDAN 2009 incorporates a new, innovative technology in basketball footwear called Articulated Propulsion Technology, or APT. 在喬丹2009年採用了新的,創新性技術的籃球鞋稱為鉸接式推進技術,或APT。
- The suggestion of speeding up the development of a large thrust LOX/LH2 engine and taking vigorous action to research advanced propulsion technology are proposed. 提出應加快我國大推力氫氧發動機的研製,並積極開展各項先進技術的預先研究工作。
- The suggestion of speeding up the development of a large thrust LOX/LH2 engine and taking vigorous action to research advanced propulsion technology are proposed. 提出應加快我國大推力氫氧發動機的研製,並積極開展各項先進技術的預先研究工作。
- Advanced Missile Propulsion Definition Study 高級導彈推進定義研究
- JIANG Zhi,LI Shu-fen,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al.Effects of metal nanoparticles on the thermal decomposition of HMX[J].Journal of Propulsion Technology,2002,23: 258. [5]江治;李疏芬;趙鳳起;等.;納米金屬粉對HMX熱分解特性的影響[J]
- Some of the guys I paid to originally take the AC propulsion technology and create a production car out of it turned out to be some bad apples, and bad apples hire bad apples. 一些球員本人支付給原先採取推進技術交流,創造一個生產汽車的,原來有一些害群之馬,和害群之馬僱用害群之馬。
- ZHANG Wei,ZHU Hui,FANG Ding-you,et al.Fuel-rich propellant fuel mass flow solid for adjustable ramjet engine[J].Journal of Propulsion Technology,1999,20(5):95-98. [5]張煒;朱慧;方丁酉;等.;用於燃氣流量可調固沖發動機的富燃推進劑[J]
- Snecma offers the widest range of aerospace propulsion technology for commercial and military aircraft, helicopters, missiles, satellites and space launchers. 斯奈克瑪為軍民用飛機,直升機,導彈,衛星和運載火箭提供範圍廣泛的推進技術。
- Arthur Kantrowitz for the first time in 1972. As a novel propulsion technology, it can be applied in many fields, such as micro-satellite launch, satellite orbit control and space debris removal. 自1972年由Kantrowitz提出這一概念以來,受到世界各國的廣泛關注。
- China Gas Turbine Establishment (GTE) is an aeronautical research organization specializing in the advanced study of aero propulsion technology, product development and engine certification tests. 中國燃氣渦輪研究院近20年來,充分發揮航空動力高科技優勢,積極開發市場所需的民用機械產品。
- BYD's effort is a big test of how quickly a country like China can bring into the mainstream a costly new automotive propulsion technology by prodding the private sector and the consumer. 這無疑是項重大考驗:像中國這樣的國家,通過鼓勵私營企業和消費者,能多快地將一項昂貴的新汽車動力技術帶入主流社會?
- The oar steamboat appearance, is a ships Journal of Propulsion Technology tremendous progress, also is to a shipping agency power significant reform, it is actually the primitive shape steamboat. 槳輪船的出現,是船舶推進技術的一個重大進步,也是對船行動力的一次重大改革,它其實就是原始形態的輪船。
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 這隻巨大的軍艦被一枚自動尋的導彈擊中。
- HONG Xiao-bin,DU Lei,ZHANG Xiao-ping.Studies on morphological structure of highly plasticized polyethlene glycol polyurethane elastomer[J].Journal of Propulsion Technology,1999,20(3):100-102. [10]洪曉斌;杜磊;張小平.;高增塑聚乙二醇聚氨酯彈性體形態結構的研究[J]