- Eventually he wearied of wooing fame and fortune. 他終於對追名逐利感到厭倦了。
- Also, misfortune and unluckiness can't defeat him. 他對客觀環境的依賴甚少、甚微,簡直到了可有可無的地步。
- Fame and fortune beckoned to them. 名譽和運氣誘惑著他們。
- She moved to London in search of fame and fortune. 她為了追逐名利,搬遷到了倫敦。
- She quitted at the height of her fame and fortune. 她在名利雙收的鼎盛時期隱退了。
- Troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon u. 煩惱即將終止,幸運之神將對你展露笑顏。
- A broken family does not necessarily lead to misfortune and crime. 不完整的家庭不一定就會產生不幸,導致犯罪。
- Had a nose for news; eager for fame and fortune. 消息靈通;渴求名利
- He lusted after fame and fortune. 他貪圖名利。
- Winning the game involves both skill and fortune. 要贏得比賽,既要技巧也要運氣。
- Title and fortune communicate a splendor all around them. 爵位和財產會給予周圍的人一種光彩。
- Thus, as to how fortune becomes misfortune and misfortune becomes fortune, this transformation cannot be utterly known;its depth cannot be fathomed. 所以福變成禍,禍變成福,變化得沒法子研究到底,深得沒法子測量啊。
- My father was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune. 我父親總是在找成名發財的捷徑。
- You'll have to brace up to your misfortune and get on with your work. 你得做好準備正視自己的不幸,繼續干你的工作。
- If we crave for fame and fortune, we will create a lot of misfortune for ourselves. 如果我們要名要利啊!就會造成很多的災難給自己。
- It is my misfortune and habit to think of myself paramount to anybody else. 我的不幸和習慣就是認為自己總比任何人都高出一頭。
- She has spent her life running after fame and fortune. 她一生追名逐利。
- In comes Jessica, recently arrived in Paris for fame and fortune. 隔天,鋼琴家的音樂會、星的舞台劇、豪的拍賣會都將揭幕,在巴黎轉角處,誰會遇見驚喜?
- Otherwise,the shops will bring misfortune and suffering on their customers. 否則,他們將會對顧客造成傷害。
- She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. 她為追逐名利去了好萊塢。