- The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue. 在那個國家的少數民族的國籍問題上仍有爭論。
- Minority groups include the Hui and the Manchus. 少數民族為回族,滿族。
- The girl is from the Gaoshan minority group. 這個女孩是高山族的。
- Employers must by law employ workers from minority groups. 依據法律,僱主必須僱用屬於少數族群的員工。
- Vicious crimes against the minority groups were reported. 文章報道了少數民族遭到了可恥的犯罪侵害。
- The question of which state the minority group should belong to was decided by (a) plebiscite. 該少數民族應歸屬哪一州的問題已由公民投票表決。
- The Changes of the Fiery Culture in Oroqen Ethnic Minority Group. 鄂倫春火文化變遷。
- The minority group has at last achieved parity in the media stakes. 少數派在新聞媒介戰中最終獲得了均勢。
- A man claiming to represent every minority group in the city . 那位自稱代表市內每個少數派的人。
- A man claiming to represent every minority group in the city. 那位自稱代表市內每個少數派的人。
- The Xianbei is an ethnic minority group in Northern China. 鮮卑族是我國北方的一個少數民族。
- The Xibo is an ehnic minority group living in Northern China. 錫伯族是分佈在我國北方的一個少數民族。
- In Army Group Centre's sector of the Eastern Front, Paul Hausser's Das Reich was in reserve when the invasion began. 東線的俄國中部戰區,保羅豪塞爾的「帝國」師在入侵開始後作為預備隊。
- Many minority groups throughout history have been disinherited by the majority. 貫穿全部歷史許多少數民族已被大民族剝奪了應享的權利。
- The government granted the minority group's suit for autonomy. 政府批准了這一少數民族申請自治的請求。
- The Das Reich Division formed part of the order of battle of Army Group Centre at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. 「帝國」師在「巴巴羅薩」行動開始后隸屬於中央集團軍群。
- Minority groups tend to internalize the values of the dominant society. 少數群體傾向於逐漸吸收主流社會的價值觀。
- The Red Army pushed across the Dnieper and threatened to open a breach between the Wehrmacht's Army Group South and its neighbour to the north, Army Group Centre. 紅軍跨越第聶伯河企圖在國防軍南方集團軍群和北方的中央集團軍群之間進行突破。
- Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups. 我們的提案盡量照顧到少數群體的特殊需要。
- The minority group have accused the council of racism in their allocation of council house. 少數民族團體指控市政會在分配房子問題上有種族主義。