- He is a well-known expert in finance. 他是知名的金融專家。
- She resigned as finance director. 她辭去財務主任職務。
- The laval council finance the development of the marina. 開發小船塢的資金是由當地議會提供的。
- The money will go to finance a new community centre. 這些錢將用來資助一個新社區中心。
- The politician was appointed as the Minister of Finance. 這位政治家被任命為財政部長。
- In terms of finance, Company A has great advantage. 從財力方面講,
- Delk scores final lay up for Kentucky. 肯塔基隊德爾克最後一次上籃得分。
- Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers. 國家衛生局的資金來自納稅人的稅款。
- Nixon used a slush fund to finance spy on the democrats. 尼克森用行賄基金支付監視民主黨活動的款項。
- After all, you can hardly expect us to finance your sale promotion. 畢竟您不會期望我們為產品促銷提供經費。
- Finance is not within the compass of our department. 財政不在我們這個部門的管轄範圍之內。
- Unless we can get more finance, we'll have to close the store. 除非我們能得到更多的資金,我們將不得不關閉這家商店。
- He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance. 他憑著自己的理財本領得到了這個職位。
- He accumulated a lot of experience in finance while work abroad. 在海外工作期間他積累了許多金融方面的經驗。
- The cheque is not valid if it were not signed by the finance director. 如果沒有主管財務的董事簽字支票就無效。
- He is the chairman of the finance sub- committee. 他是財政小組委員會的主席。
- The Finance Director sends her apology and is unable to attend the meeting. 財務董事派人帶話說,她因不能出席會議而向大家道歉。
- Allow me to introduce Miss Liu, chief accountant of the finance department. 請允許我介紹一下劉小姐,財務部會計主任。
- Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charged on income from woodland. 財政法中的一覽表,在此表中列出對林地收入的徵稅。
- The quaestor served in the ministry of finance. 財務官從事財政部門的服務。