- The products meet veterinary sanitary requirements and fit for human consumption. 該產品符合獸醫衛生要求,適合人類食用。
- They are white and touch soft while at the same time strong, in line with all the sanitary requirements set by the state railway bureau. 產品外觀潔白柔和,堅挺實用,符合鐵道部各項衛生指標要求。
- Meals served in cafeterias or dining rooms that are associated with college dormitories are prepared for the dormitory residents and must meet certain government nutritional standards as well as satisfy local (state or municipal) sanitary requirements. 宿舍內自助餐室或飯堂的膳食都是為住宿生準備的,必須符合政府規定的營養標準和當地(州或市)的衛生規定。
- Entry and exit conveyances that have not meet the sanitary requirements, are required to make improvement without delay under the supervision of the health and quarantine organ. 對不符合衛生要求的入境、出境交通工具,必須接受衛生檢疫機關的督導立即進行改進。
- We have pared down our expenses to a bare minimum. 我們已最大限度地削減了開支。
- sanitary requirement of illumination 照明衛生要求
- The class needs a minimum of 6 pupils to continue. 這個班最低限度要六個學生才可以繼續辦下去。
- sanitary requirement of waste residue disposal 廢渣處理衛生要求
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那麼衛生的小客棧。
- A withdrawal limit of $200; no minimum age limit. 提款數量最多不超過200美元; 沒有最低年齡限制。
- This game requires a minimum of three players. 這個遊戲至少需要三個人才可以玩。
- The minimum wage is 4.25 dollars an hour. 最低工價為每小時四點二五美元。
- A maximum or minimum value of a function. 極大值,極小值函數的最大值或最小值
- Passengers may only take aboard the aircraft a minimum of luggage. 乘客上飛機時,只可以帶最少量的行李。
- She just scraped into university with the minimum qualifications. 她剛剛及格,勉強進了大學。
- He worked hard to improve the sanitary conditions of the slums. 他努力改進貧民窟的衛生條件。
- He has filled all requirements for promotion. 他已具備晉陞的一切條件。
- Expenditure on road repairs has been cut to an irreducible minimum. 修路費已削減到不能再減的最低限度了。
- Your work does not come up to the requirements. 你的工作不符合要求。
- Expenditure on road repair has been cut to an irreducible minimum. 修路費已削減到不能再減的最低限度了。