- While the police gave no specific names, Hong Kong's Ming Pao newspaper reported the photographs belonged to Chen. 警方自始至終並沒有提及任何姓名,香港明報聲稱這些被竊取並傳播開的文件就是屬於陳冠希本人的。
- Instructor Frankie Yip led a group of students to design a software for the Hong Kong Observatory. This project was featured in Ming Pao newspaper. 由葉劍鋒導師帶領學生為香港天文台設計一套天氣報告軟體,明報亦有專題特寫介紹。
- Hong Kong's Ming Pao reporter at noon on the 21st country to the United States in Beijing Eagle Building, the headquarters of the company, the company directly to verify the news. 香港明報記者21日中午到國美位於北京鵬潤大廈的公司總部,直接向該公司求證上述消息。
- The article was first published in Ming Pao Daily News. 本文轉載自《明報》
- A telex has just arrived from Hong Kong. 剛收到一份香港打來的電傳。
- Please click here to download Ming Pao JUMP Bulletin Aug Issue. 八月份於明報JUMP刊登之資料,請按此下載。
- Hong Kong Tat Ming Wallpaper Co., Ltd. 香港達明牆紙有限公司
- The author,editor of The Nineties,a defunct Hong Kong-based magazine,is senior political commentator. The Chinese original was published in Ming Pao Monthly,March 2000. 作者是前《九十年代》主編,資深政治評論家,本文原載香港《明報月刊》今年3月號。
- They are our Hong Kong correspondents. 他們是我們派駐香港的通訊員。
- He arrived in Hong Kong on Sunday. 他星期日到達了香港。
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割讓給了英國。
- Hong Kong is a travellers' paradise. 香港是旅遊者的樂園。
- Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong Kong. 我們的船明天啟航前往香港。
- Chou said in an interview with Ming Pao Weekly published over the weekend that he prefers directing to acting. 周杰倫在接受周末出版的明報周刊採訪時表示他相比演戲他更喜歡做導演。
- She received a letter postmarked Hong Kong. 她收到一封蓋有香港郵戳的信。
- By your speech I can tell you're from Hong Kong. 聽你的口音,我能知道你是香港人。
- He flew to New York via Hong Kong. 他經過香港飛往紐約。
- He's been to Hong Kong scores of times. 他曾多次去過香港。
- Market participants are requested to note that the name of Ming Pao Enterprise Corporation Limited has been changed to "Media Chinese International Limited". 市場參與者請注意,明報企業有限公司已易名為世界華文媒體有限公司。